First hard rock band I ever got into

I didn't mean anything derogatory to Pink Floyd fans, I just don't get them. I enjoy stuff no one I know gets. I just felt like the lone ranger with Pink Floyd because everyone I know loves them.

I'm with you. I can't stand Pink Floyd or The Doors, and both for the same reason. Their music creeps me out. I can't hear their music without cringing and getting a completely sick feeling inside. I'm not saying they don't have talent of that people who like them shouldn't listen to them. They're just not for me.
For me it was KISS. I got this album for my 9th birthday and I’ve been a hard rock/metal fan ever since.

For me it was KISS. I got this album for my 9th birthday and I’ve been a hard rock/metal fan ever since.


My first Kiss album was Kiss Alive and I was hooked. I bought Destroyer when it first came out with money I had saved mowing yards and recycling For my birthday that year my sister bought me a big black velvet painting of the Destroyer cover.....yes black velvet! It's pretty awesome, I still have it and is one of my prized possessions.
I'm with you. I can't stand Pink Floyd or The Doors, and both for the same reason. Their music creeps me out. I can't hear their music without cringing and getting a completely sick feeling inside. I'm not saying they don't have talent of that people who like them shouldn't listen to them. They're just not for me.

The Doors creep you out, but British Glam rock doesn't. Bizarre.
The first hard rock band I got into was Led Zeppelin, my very first music purchase was Led Zeppelin I on 8-track. Then i got into Kiss, had all kinds of posters and stuff. About this time was when I discovered the greatest radio station ever, 99.5 Kiss FM in San Antonio and they were playing all kinds of rock that no one else was playing yet, early Rush, Judas Priest and Triumph, Legs Diamond, Moxy, Budgie, UFO. So many great rock bands getting started around those years.
My first Kiss album was Kiss Alive and I was hooked. I bought Destroyer when it first came out with money I had saved mowing yards and recycling For my birthday that year my sister bought me a big black velvet painting of the Destroyer cover.....yes black velvet! It's pretty awesome, I still have it and is one of my prized possessions.
ALIVE and ALIVE II are among my favorites.
LOVED Love Gun...GREAT cover art.
I would say first rock bands I got into where Joan Jett and AC/DC right around 1980. I really started to listen to music around the age of 6-7 years old which was about the same time my older sister did who was three years older than I. (her playing it is how I heard it as my mother really didn't listen to music all that much)
I shared a room with my older brother growing up so started going to bed at night listening to BTO, Rare Earth, The Guess Who, CCR etc. when I was 6-7 years old and he was 13-14. He caught me listening to the Monkees one night, I thought he was going to kick my ***.
Black Sabbath. Heavy or hard rock? What's odd is i don't listen to them anymore.
Black Sabbath. Heavy or hard rock? What's odd is i don't listen to them anymore.
Metal, Tommy Iommi coined the phrase when asked about the sound he was making. That is the founding band of metal. Metal evolved but they started it.

I don't do a lot of metal anymore because I don't find it inventive. For me, it reached a point and hasn't evolved any further.

But to your question, it seems to be quite subjective. I have heard quite a few people refer to Deep Purple and Van Halen as metal and to me that's just straight ahead hard rock.

When Sabbath came on the scene, no one had heard that sound before and unlike Grateful Dead, their name represented their sound. They were so different back then and pretty much a polarizing genre but I can remember the first time I popped that on the turntable and heard Iron Man. I thought I gotta have me some more of this.
Not really sure the name of the first hard rock band I liked. Have liked so many bands and music over the years.

However I remember my father getting a bunch of Columbia House records.
Steve miller band _ still love those today
The Eagles - never really liked them as a whole, just a few songs
ELO - still love them
Simon and Garfunkle - meh
Jim Croce - yes sir
And although this was not a hard rock band...It probably was the first really hard song I remember hearing...Helter Skelter by the Beatles. Even today that song is hard enough to blow some other "hard rock" songs away.

I got into some of the other great bands later Led Zep, Stones, Doors, The Who, Hendrix and so on.

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