First official trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Faerluna;3447288 said:
It's not even close to just a bunch of jargon. It's about bravery and camaraderie, facing fears, good versus evil and the bonds of friendship, amongst other things.

The whole wizardry aspect is just the basis for the story, but not really what it's about.
I have an Aunt who has never seen the movies or read the books either. I asked her why and she said, "it's about witches and witchcraft." No it isn't. That is just the metaphor used for good triumphing over evil.

I think she thinks God will punish her if she enjoys them. To each their own.
Hostile;3447297 said:
I have played video games, but I don't really enjoy them too much. I have never seen the Simpsons and most other TV shows as well. I watch sports. That is my thing. The last TV show I was really into was Lost, and I quit watching that in Season 2. Before that it was a show called Third Watch. I just am not a weekly episodic TV kind of guy. It has nothing really to do with the Simpsons. That just happened to be the show being discussed at the time.

My kids and wife were heavily into these books. I read the first book and it was good enough to keep reading. The movies are very good. It is as simple as that. My kids and I have had Harry Potter movie marathons where we get up early on a Saturday, stay in our pajamas all day, eat popcorn and pizza, and watch all of the movies. We have also enjoyed the hell out of it.

I doubt we could pull it off for 8 movies, but they are good memories for me of time spent with my kids.

If you don't enjoy them that's fine. Not everyone has to. I just think "they rake in money" is a strange reason to eschew them. I don't care what your reason is, it is yours and you are entitled to it.

I think you're afraid you might actually like them if you saw them. Just me playing psychiatrist to poke fun at you.

Nah, like I said its just not my genre. This has been on in my house plenty of times and all I see is bad CGI, bad acting, and fantastical nonsense.

I just think "they rake in money" is a strange reason to eschew them.

That was Bob. Although I have the hater gene in me for sure.

Another genre that gets a ton of play is these crappy spoof movies. Basically they throw out every and any pop culture reference against a wall w/ no punch line and call it a movie
zrinkill;3447140 said:
Actually they are very good movies.

Too bad you and Bob have to act too macho to enjoy them.

Very much agreed. And kind of ironic where the bashing is coming from lol.
MarionBarberThe4th;3447300 said:
Nah, like I said its just not my genre. This has been on in my house plenty of times and all I see is bad CGI, bad acting, and fantastical nonsense.

That was Bob. Although I have the hater gene in me for sure.

Another genre that gets a ton of play is these crappy spoof movies. Basically they throw out every and any pop culture reference against a wall w/ no punch line and call it a movie
I don''t even know what that is.
I'm really looking forward to these final two coming out. The trailer looks fantastic!

I've been reading the whole series with my kids and when we finish a book, they get to watch the corresponding movie... but not before then. That way, they get to enjoy the book without preconceived ideas from the movie coming into play.

I must say when watching the movies like this (after just completing the book with the book fresh in your mind) they really pale in comparison. I had seen all the movies before and have really enjoyed them, but the second viewing, with all the detail of the book still in your head, left a lot more to be desired.

For that reason, I'm glad they're splitting the last movie into two parts. Much greater chance of getting things "right" and staying true to the story.

Bob and MB4 are just a couple of Muggles. :cool:
zrinkill;3447140 said:
Actually they are very good movies.

Too bad you and Bob have to act too macho to enjoy them.

:laugh2: I don't take either one to be the macho type.

Well, if Bob were actually macho, he might look like this.


In actuality this is Bob's attempt to be macho.

Harry Potter being greatness is now fact. It has been reported by Stephen A. Smith.

You guys who wont give Justin Beiber a chance are acting all macho.
So I'm reading this thread and thinking what a bunch of dummies these guys are for not even giving the movies or books a chance. Then I see some article mentioning 'Twilight' and I realize I feel the same way towards it that these guys do towards the Potter series.

Anyone here a fan of both? Am I missing out by dismissing the Twilight series?
nyc;3447345 said:
:laugh2: I don't take either one to be the macho type.

Well, if Bob were actually macho, he might look like this.


In actuality this is Bob's attempt to be macho.


When I was about ten I had to go to an older cousins wedding. One of my uncles asked me to carry a bunch of two liter bottle of cokes over to another table. The paper bag broke and one of the bottles hit the ground and shot off like a rocket just like in that little gif. It went across the reception hall and came to a stop just short of hitting my cousin in her wedding gown.
Not watching any Harry Potter has nothing to do with me trying to be macho. I just don't get down with fantasy movies. Or books.
c0wb0y_m0nkey;3447405 said:
So I'm reading this thread and thinking what a bunch of dummies these guys are for not even giving the movies or books a chance. Then I see some article mentioning 'Twilight' and I realize I feel the same way towards it that these guys do towards the Potter series.

Anyone here a fan of both? Am I missing out by dismissing the Twilight series?

Not a fan of both, but I have seen both movies, and I made a valiant effort to read the first book. It's absolute garbage, so unless you like garbage, you're not missing anything at all. The 3rd and 4th movies/books may be different, but it's probably not worth even bothering.
gUnit;3447354 said:
I'd rather be mauled by a polar bear......butt naked
I'm calling bull. I'll arrange both and you will wuss out and watch the movie.

Guaranteed. I will put money on it.
Hostile;3447803 said:
I'm calling bull. I'll arrange both and you will wuss out and watch the movie.

Guaranteed. I will put money on it.

Not a fan of facetiousness?
*screams like a teenage girl* :laugh2:

I totally got suckered by Potter. Used to make fun of my girlfriend for reading the books, then I picked one up and mowed through the whole series. Won't lie, I'm excited to see the last movies.

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