Twitter: Fish: Ex coach says the Cowboys defense is hustling, just don't know the system


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Whats even worse its like they dont watch tape. If they just told the lb on runs just play off poe's backside they would be there for a lot of tackles lol.


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It looks like it too

they have no idea where theyre supposed to line up and have no idea who theyre supposed to cover....

once the offense breaks the huddle you are reading the formation and anticipating the play.....

but this defense is trying to figure out where theyre supposed to be and what coverage it is and by the time they figure it out the other team is 20 yards down the field


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
These players are paid an ungodly amount of money to be good at football. Part of that responsibility is to learn a playbook.

I don’t care if the concepts are complex, they need to learn it; and if they can’t learn it themselves, seek out guidance from other players or coaches. Nolan shouldn’t have to dumb down his defense because the players are too dumb to pick it up.

I’m a younger guy (early 30s) but I’m so sick of the entitlement that these players show. Shut up and learn the playbook, or go sit on the bench.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Sorry, that dog won't hunt. Hustling is making tackles, are they confused about the basic fundamentals of defense?

See man with ball, go after man with ball, tackle man with ball and if the opportunity presents itself, tale ball away from man like a bully after the lunch money.

It's OK to make mistakes but it looks a lot better if they're moving while doing that and not standing around.

Why in the hell is it always someone making excuses for the players? Those bums quit on Wade and he gets fired? Too easy for the players to hide behind Grandma Booger's gingham apron. There there you little darlings, have some more cookies. L'il Demarcus, you can have 21M cookies.