Video: Fisher: Is Earl Thomas Not Better Than Cowboys Safeties?


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Obviously Earl is better, but does his attitude/diss team meetings and infighting and not adhering to the gameplans overcome that?
What if he's toxic as all Hell to the lockerroom?

How do the scales of justice adjust on this one?
That’s the real question
Obviously he’s a super talented player
The Ravens signed the talent but took millions in cap hit to get rid of the person


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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That’s the real question
Obviously he’s a super talented player
The Ravens signed the talent but took millions in cap hit to get rid of the person
One of the few big mistakes that team has made in the last several years.
Big red flag, as far as I'm concerned, but you never know how he would act playing for the team he's always wanted to play for.

I'm honestly conflicted 50/50 both ways.


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Obviously Earl is better, but does his attitude/diss team meetings and infighting and not adhering to the gameplans overcome that?
What if he's toxic as all Hell to the lockerroom?

How do the scales of justice adjust on this one?

This is spot on. If Thomas hadn't been a wack job and acted the way he has getting out of Seattle and then basically pissing off the entire Ravens franchise to the point that the players themselves wanted him out, then he'd probably be in Dallas yesterday.

Then again, if he wasn't that douchy, he'd still be in Baltimore.

People keep pulling up these articles from people saying how good Thomas is and how Dallas needs him but all seemingly forget the reason why he's even available.


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Obviously Earl is better, but does his attitude/diss team meetings and infighting and not adhering to the gameplans overcome that?
What if he's toxic as all Hell to the lockerroom?

How do the scales of justice adjust on this one?
If you have strong leadership from players and coaches this isn't a problem. You check him right at the door. It's unfortunate he gets labeled things because the seahawks screwed him over. And everyone knows it. Yeh lets expect the guy to love the seahawks after they didn't sign him long term, ends the holdout for his teammates and then breaks his leg. You never ever heard anything but a good teammate and professionalism from ET before that.

You guys keep believing the media if you want. But there is still not one player on the Ravens that has publicly said any of these negative things about ET. If you guys were smart you would read between the lines that it's a smear campaign from the ravens brass to negate his contract without paying him. Even ET bowed out gracefully after being released.

Bring him in Jerry darian thompson ran a 4.69 40. My freshman son is running not too far behind that.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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If you have strong leadership from players and coaches this isn't a problem. You check him right at the door. It's unfortunate he gets labeled things because the seahawks screwed him over. And everyone knows it. Yeh lets expect the guy to love the seahawks after they didn't sign him long term, ends the holdout for his teammates and then breaks his leg. You never ever heard anything but a good teammate and professionalism from ET before that.

You guys keep believing the media if you want. But there is still not one player on the Ravens that has publicly said any of these negative things about ET. If you guys were smart you would read between the lines that it's a smear campaign from the ravens brass to negate his contract without paying him. Even ET bowed out gracefully after being released.

Bring him in Jerry darian thompson ran a 4.69 40. My freshman son is running not too far behind that.
I don't believe anything and you bring up good points.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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"Better" doesn't matter if the guy doesn't show up for meetings, runs late, and ticks off his teammates to the point they don't want him there.

The NFL isn't Madden, where the player with the higher rating always performs.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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If you have strong leadership from players and coaches this isn't a problem.

I've seen no evidence of the Ravens having a leadership problem. They've actually been a more stable, and successful, entity than the Cowboys in the 21st century.

Meanwhile, in Dallas you've got Uncle Jerry accommodating bad behavior thinking if he coddles "talent" it'll get him somewhere. The head coach doesn't make personnel moves without his approval.


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The Ravens signed the talent but took millions in cap hit to get rid of the person

First, so glad we didn't sign him last year so our cap isn't getting hit.

Second, its pretty well understood that Baltimore is a well run organization both within the locker room & front office. They obviously believed in the talent to give him the deal last year. For them to walk away from the player and money at stake is very telling. Reports are that the players were 100% behind the move so this is one of the most clear cut situations you'll ever see. The problem is Earl.

Until Earl changes, there isn't any hope for successful relationship between Earl and any team.


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I've seen no evidence of the Ravens having a leadership problem. They've actually been a more stable, and successful, entity than the Cowboys in the 21st century.

Meanwhile, in Dallas you've got Uncle Jerry accommodating bad behavior thinking if he coddles "talent" it'll get him somewhere. The head coach doesn't make personnel moves without his approval.
I mean the young guy clark ripping his helmet off and throwing it. then starting an altercation with ET in the middle of practice I wouldn't lay at the feet of ET. They haven't been in the past but this situation doesn't sit right with me when no players have come out and said anything negative about ET. Only the media. Uncle Jerrah has made bad decisions in terms of leadership here. But the player leadership with Romo, Witten, Sean Lee, even D ware at the helm was abysmal. The coaches emboldened those guys. Even though they snaked guys and never held anyone accountable. Hence the Garrett country club was born.


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First, so glad we didn't sign him last year so our cap isn't getting hit.

Second, its pretty well understood that Baltimore is a well run organization both within the locker room & front office. They obviously believed in the talent to give him the deal last year. For them to walk away from the player and money at stake is very telling. Reports are that the players were 100% behind the move so this is one of the most clear cut situations you'll ever see. The problem is Earl.

Until Earl changes, there isn't any hope for successful relationship between Earl and any team.
You heard the players say that?


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First, so glad we didn't sign him last year so our cap isn't getting hit.

Second, its pretty well understood that Baltimore is a well run organization both within the locker room & front office. They obviously believed in the talent to give him the deal last year. For them to walk away from the player and money at stake is very telling. Reports are that the players were 100% behind the move so this is one of the most clear cut situations you'll ever see. The problem is Earl.

Until Earl changes, there isn't any hope for successful relationship between Earl and any team.

Big fact people are missing. When Earl signed with Baltimore, he told DeShon Elliott why did they sign me when they have you.

I don’t think they move on as quick if they don’t have Elliott waiting in the wings to start. Just my two cents


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You heard the players say that?

I haven't seen any player speak on it. When the practice situation first occurred reports said that he was not popular in the locker room & listed some of his transgressions.

When the decision to release him was made public the reports said that the Ravens have a players council that represents the team in discussions with the FO and that the FO basically doesn't take this kind of step without the support of the team. My understanding was the team voted 100% for the council to recommend releasing Earl. (Could have been that the council voted 100% after talking to team but without a team vote)

Other reports have indicated the same things in less detail. Certainly I'm not aware of any Raven players defending Earl or questioning the move.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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You guys keep believing the media if you want. But there is still not one player on the Ravens that has publicly said any of these negative things about ET. If you guys were smart you would read between the lines that it's a smear campaign from the ravens brass to negate his contract without paying him. Even ET bowed out gracefully after being released.

Why would a Ravens player speak negatively about ET now that he's no longer there? They'd speak out if they were upset about him being gone. They've said nothing.

Why would the Ravens want to negate ET's contract if they thought he was a good player and he wasn't causing them headaches? They wouldn't, they'd keep him.

So either: 1)they've got some personal vendetta against ET, 2)there's a vast conspiracy to smear ET, or 3)he's the PIA they claimed he was when they released him? Only one of those makes sense, by the way.

You're rewriting the story not based on evidence, but because it hasn't been proven wrong. That's illogical.

Just say you want ET and don't care about whatever he's done in the past. Don't play the "you all are too stupid to see a story I've got no evidence to support whatsoever" card.


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Big fact people are missing. When Earl signed with Baltimore, he told DeShon Elliott why did they sign me when they have you.

I don’t think they move on as quick if they don’t have Elliott waiting in the wings to start. Just my two cents

I'm sure if the cupboard was bare, it might have at least slowed down the decision.

One of the reports i read\saw said the players no longer believed he was an elite player. Overall, it sounded like they were fed up with his attitude and doing whatever he wanted on the field regardless of his assignments.


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I haven't seen any player speak on it. When the practice situation first occurred reports said that he was not popular in the locker room & listed some of his transgressions.

When the decision to release him was made public the reports said that the Ravens have a players council that represents the team in discussions with the FO and that the FO basically doesn't take this kind of step without the support of the team. My understanding was the team voted 100% for the council to recommend releasing Earl. (Could have been that the council voted 100% after talking to team but without a team vote)

Other reports have indicated the same things in less detail. Certainly I'm not aware of any Raven players defending Earl or questioning the move.
Who's in the player council? And since when has any FO cared about what players think about a player. If all these things were true why have we not heard one player on IG or twitter, air out ET? All of these are reports by the media lead by the teams PR.


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Why would a Ravens player speak negatively about ET now that he's no longer there? They'd speak out if they were upset about him being gone. They've said nothing.

Why would the Ravens want to negate ET's contract if they thought he was a good player and he wasn't causing them headaches? They wouldn't, they'd keep him.

So either: 1)they've got some personal vendetta against ET, 2)there's a vast conspiracy to smear ET, or 3)he's the PIA they claimed he was when they released him? Only one of those makes sense, by the way.

You're rewriting the story not based on evidence, but because it hasn't been proven wrong. That's illogical.

Just say you want ET and don't care about whatever he's done in the past. Don't play the "you all are too stupid to see a story I've got no evidence to support whatsoever" card.
Yes a team smearing a player to save $20m sounds so outlandish lol. I would smack my mom for $20m. Big conspiracy there


Cowboys Diehard
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The ravens were responsible for $10 mil with ET. If the Ravens would have to pay the highest portion of the Ravan's contract in excess of $1 mil, which could be as much as $9 mil. ET would then go to the team willing to pay the greatest portion of that amount. It would involve a timely and likely troublesome process to settle negotiating that deal.

So, in effect, the interested team would be forced to deal with the Ravens to arrive for an acceptable amount of compensation. It could easily lead to an extensive period of time to find a deal that the Ravens would find acceptable. At this time, apparently, no team has yet been willing to satisfy that requirement, from the looks of things.
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What players, did not like him was it 10% of the locker room, 20%, 90%. I don't think you cannot go into any locker room in the NFL and find that all 53 guys like each other, and get them off the record I am willing to bet many have something damning to say about any player in their locker room. I am willing to bet 10-20% of the Patriot SB teams hated Tom Brady.


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Who's in the player council? And since when has any FO cared about what players think about a player. If all these things were true why have we not heard one player on IG or twitter, air out ET? All of these are reports by the media lead by the teams PR.

Have no idea who's on the council but the relationship between FO & players in Baltimore has been reported (also spoken about by former players) as a strong one for many years so it far precedes ET.

I don't disagree that games get played in the media, but for me, everything seems to lineup with how I believe the Ravens operate.