Flo Has Broken Hand; Why Wasn't This [reported before]


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dbair1967;2401275 said:
when did I ever say that?

all I'm saying is if the staff thought that benching Adams would be a GOOD move, they'd have done it...regardless of what we all think of Wade and some of the other coaches, you cant convince me they WANT to give the team LESS chance to win

I am not saying that. I am saying they have all kinds of faith that the players are going to play well even when they see visual evidence that they are not playing well week after week.

Example. Brad Johnson.

Wade talked about him not having any Turnovers against the Bucs. But we all saw the Bucs drop a few picks. We all knew Brad sucked.

Wade and Garrett were just hoping and a wishing and a praying that Brad would play better against the Giants. They usuaully dont want to admit their original thoughts were wrong.

Example. Pat Watkins as a Strong Safety.

If he's now playing why isn't he starting over Keith Davis? Because now they know he is not a Strong Safety. The kid almost ruined his career playing that position for a few weeks.


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Chocolate Lab;2401052 said:
Because if he didn't, people would say he's soft.

No way some of these players and coaches can win with some people.

Agreed. It wouldn't matter what happens they'd be wrong for doing it that way.

dcfanatic;2401095 said:
Who cares what we would be saying?

Are you saying that Flozell Adams makes his decisions about playing or not playing thru an injury because he's worried about what the fans will say?

That's crazy.

If the guy is going to be ineffective then get off the field.

Apparently a whole lot of fans care and believe that the players, coaches, and owners should care rather they think they're tough enough, smart enough, or good enough.

dbair1967;2401129 said:
people that can start at LT arnt walking around on the streets in the middle of the season...maybe guys who could start in the Arena League, but not the NFL

Correct. There isn't anyone not currently on this roster that is going to be signed to play LT that can actually play LT in this league out there right now.

Unless some quality LT is about to be cut by some team that just suddenly decides they don't need a good LT.

dcfanatic;2401228 said:
I don't think that matters. I think Flo says I can go and that's it.

Then he stinks it up and the coaches dont pull him.

Who is in charge here, the players or the coaches?

I think the coaches listen to the players on rather they believe they can go or not but I don't believe that they allow the players to make the final decision. If a doctor says the player shouldn't play that player isn't going to play no matter how much they talk.

dbair1967;2401275 said:
when did I ever say that?

all I'm saying is if the staff thought that benching Adams would be a GOOD move, they'd have done it...regardless of what we all think of Wade and some of the other coaches, you cant convince me they WANT to give the team LESS chance to win

I agree. The fact that they wont pull him, or bench him, tells me that they have absolutely no faith, at all, in what they have behind him to actually come in and play.

Now that is their fault, I agree, cause they went into the season with that lack of confidence in their LT back up options but at this point in the season there is simply nothing they're going to replace those back ups with that they're honestly going to believe is better than what they've got.


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NFL QB's play with broken fingers or ligs all the time and take shots. In fact If Flo was hurt - weak excuse for his play...


Fear the Afro
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That's weird I heard Flo had a shoulder injury. I guess I was wrong.


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Chocolate Lab;2400757 said:
Larry Brown said it on the pregame show last week. Said it's virtually the same injury Romo has.

Larry said that Flo's left hand was so swollen that it was barely recognizable. Larry said it was oozing puss and was so swollen he couldn't bend his fingers. Also, Flo has a left shoulder injury that prevents him from raising his arm very high. So, he's playing with one arm out there. That's why I asked that critics give him some slack. He didn't go from a pro-bowler one year to a turn-style the next. He's injured and trying to gut it out for the team. Hopefully, the 2 week layoff will allow the swelling to go down substantially enough that he can use it effectively.


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MWILL;2401461 said:
That's weird I heard Flo had a shoulder injury. I guess I was wrong.

You're right. He has a left shoulder injury as well as a left hand injury. He's playing one-handed out there. There's a reason he's being beaten around his left side consistently. He can't push, punch, or grab with his left hand/arm.


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Nors;2401429 said:
NFL QB's play with broken fingers or ligs all the time and take shots.

yeah, and they suck. examples:

Peyton Manning after the surgeries this year...

Big Ben...

Tom Brady last year in the Super Bowl...

Donovan McNabb...

In fact If Flo was hurt - weak excuse for his play...

you're right. playing with, basically, one arm is no excuse to play worse than you would with two arms...


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Everybody needs someone to blame. And many people need just one person to blame - someone to take the brunt of it.

Flozell Adams didn't forget how to play football. Flozell bothers me sometimes for a lot of different reasons, but he's been a good player.

More than anything, I just hope he gets healthy. The team needs him.


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I would give Free or McQ a shot at playing as bad as the Hotel is right now with those injuries. Its not unheard of for players to do better in the game then they do in practice. Besides if they are no better you can always put Flo back in.


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If Free or McUgly aren't better than a severely injured one armed LT then *** are they doing on this roster?


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I personally think that full cast that OLinemen play with sometimes, is more effective than hands. You can't hold the defensive player with that hand and that thing hurts!


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Kudos to Flo for playing through it, shame on Wade for letting him


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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hairic;2400783 said:
Linemen can play with broken hands. All they have to be really be able to do is deliver a good punch and their stubs should be able to get a good block.

No. They say technique wise, Adams stinks. They say what makes him a Pro Bowl caliber player is that once he gets his hands on you. Turn the light out, the part is over!

Adam + Broken hand == Not a good left tackle.


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SixShooter;2402084 said:
If Free or McUgly aren't better than a severely injured one armed LT then *** are they doing on this roster?

Great question. Maybe a reporter can ask that exact question at a press conference?