Flores sues Dolphins and others ** LOCKED **

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Yes Rooney rule has always been a farce, but I do love that Goodell is going to take it up the keister on this one, maybe Mara too.

…..looks like some dark days ahead for the NFL


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This is going to blow up big time. Goodell now has a legit crisis on hands now.

Flores has a legitimite beef, IMO
Lol. We are talking about the NFL and goodell. To much power and money. It will be settled in silence. After this report you may not hear about it again. Like mara and the trouble he was in. And the pictures of JJ with the girls. And other stories with owners. He will never have to worry about money again or a job.. They will all pitch in from the slush fund..


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The fact of the matter is without the Rooney rule they would never get interviews to begin with. You're talking about a group of owners who systematically moved black QBs to another position until 25 years ago. This sort of thing is never going to be pretty. But it absolutely needs to happen. I think most of us will agree that actually playing in the games is the best preparation for coaching the game.. and since 70% of the guys playing in the game are .. ahem.. you know.. "well tanned" then it stands to reason that 70% of the guys with the best and most intimate knowledge of the game are also.. er.. "well tanned." Yet NFL owners wouldn't even talk to them about coaching until they were forced to. Rich old guys are stubborn as hell and used to getting their way. They're not going to just hand over power willingly. It will have to taken from them. It's unfortunate.. but it is what it is. Here's the thing.. there is no guarantee that hiring a minority coach will lead to more winning for a team. I'm sure there would be just as many of them who suck as the other guys. The point is that they should be afforded the opportunity to become multimillionaires while sucking just like the other guys.. Fair is fair..

I don't totally disagree, but you can't expect for owners not to conduct "sham interviews" if they already know who they want. I think the owners need to be able to make it clear to the minority candidates that they want Coach A for the position before the interview. That way it's all about the interview experience without expectations that they are truly a candidate for the spot.

The system is set up for "sham interviews" as is. Flores is complaining about a systemic problem set up by the Rooney Rule. The only ways to stop the systemic problem is not require minority interviews or require teams to hire minority candidates no matter what. I'm not really a fan of either of those, but I do believe if a team knows who it wants as coach, it should be able to hire him without some rule making them pretend like they are considering other candidates.


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If what he's saying is true, I applaud him and am 100% behind him. But having said that, none of what I've seen would hold up in court, much less force any sort of a settlement. If he's going this route, I hope he has more solid evidence of what he's claiming, otherwise, he's grasping at straws and has effectively ended his NFL career for nothing.
Yeah I agree.....my response was definitely based on the leaked info was scratching the surface, and if we are being honest, it probably is.

I see the Dolphins being sold soon TBH.

I joked above about maybe Jerry is forced to sell so since all they did after Garrett was a sham video chat with Marvin Lewis.

But that's the problem.....they treat the rule like a joke and that has to change.

It's an extremely bad look for the NFL to let this linger, and like a 20 million dollar settlement is in their best interest.

Edit....Dolphins sale based on paid to lose, nothing else.
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He's pulled the pin...

Will this go down as gutsy or foolish?

So many ways this could end up...
I can only imagine that one team must have told him they were hiring him and then backed out for him to resort to this.

Most people were shocked he was fired in Miami, which is also why I think they are struggling to find his successor.

That said, this is a huge risk for Flores though as these kinds of legal actions will likely make a lot of teams scared to hire him fearing what might happen if they need to fire him eventually, which usually happens to most coaches.

I really thought he would take a one year DC position and then return as head coach in 2023, but he must be concerned there are people or forces actively working against him for him to take legal action knowing the potential risks involved.


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I mean his only act of wrongdoing in the lawsuit is texting the wrong person. Technically he didn’t violate any rules in this lawsuit.

Yeah he didn't do anything but say what he had heard about the Giants job and congratulating who he thought was Daboll. I'm sure Belichik is pissed and embarrassed that his texting screw up drags him into the mess but he didn't do anything that will get him in trouble.


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I can only imagine that one team must have told him they were hiring him and then backed out for him to resort to this.

Most people were shocked he was fired in Miami, which is also why I think they are struggling to find his successor.

That said, this is a huge risk for Flores though as these kinds of legal actions will likely make a lot of teams scared to hire him fearing what might happen if they need to fire him eventually, which usually happens to most coaches.

I really thought he would take a one year DC position and then return as head coach in 2023, but he must be concerned there are people or forces actively working against him for him to take legal action knowing the potential risks involved.
I wonder if this text message opened a can of worms and he felt as he had no other recourse, he wasn't getting hired anyway. He knows these owners will close ranks to protect the shield and the money.

I wonder how many coaches, both black and white, that know him are wanting to support him but can't?


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This thread has been locked and the topic will not be allowed on CowboysZone because a few members here were doing their best to get themselves and others benched for a week.

I enjoy reading unique opinions, even if they differ from mine, but the endless bickering over pseudo-political and racial arguments that saturate the rest of the internet and world are not welcome here.

At some point, people need to start listening before talking and listening after talking, rather than screaming to be the last person talking as if it provides some sort of placebo argument "win".

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