The problem I have with Flozel's injury is that he didnt really look that injured. He was either sitting by himself on the bench or he was up walking around on the sideline, again by himself.
There were no trainers attending to him, there was no cart brought out to take him into the training room, he was just either sitting or standing there by himself watching Romo get killed play after play after play.
Like many have said, Columbo was out there basically on 1 leg trying his hardest and yes, he was getting owned. But at least he showed enough heart and enough balls to get out there hurt and try to help his QB. I respect that and give Coloumbo alot props for trying his best to help the team.
I didnt see the same level of commitment from Flozel. I saw a guy that pulled a muscle and watched the rest of the game from the sideline. Maybe going back in wouldnt have mattered, maybo Flo would have gotten owned like Colombo did, but at least he would have tried and I could have respected that alot more than just sittting on your arse watching your QB get killed every play.
My .02