Football questions that your girl/wife/companion have asked

Not a football one but when I was younger on the way home from one of my baseball games my Dad would always ask how many RBIs I had.

One time, my younger sister started crying, got really mad at him and asked him why are you always asking him how many Really Bad Innings he had. :D
LOL. That's adorable!
Ever try to explain the balk rule in baseball to a woman?

Girlfriends, yes but luckily my wife got to see me play as a pitcher. It didn't take her long to understand that one but she still thinks it is a stupid rule :laugh:
Not a football question but the questioning was more along the lines of sports fans.

My wife and her friendgirls make an overnight road trip once or twice a year to the Superdome. She is a self-professed Broncos fan and does not care for the Saints. It is just her friends and her getting together, hitting Bourbon Street and catching a game.

She called me during a Steelers/Saints game more than several years back. My wife has a nasty habit of jokingly picking at people (I claim zero responsibility for it :rolleyes: ). She preceded to tell me she had left where her friends were seated to sit among a group of Pittsburgh fans. I think they were curious why she was wearing Broncos gear and called her over to an empty seat. Anyway, she says New Orleans started a late rally and the Steelers fans were getting agitated, so she started jabbing at them. She laughed about how pissed off some of them were with her and giggled walking back to her friends. They laughed too when she told them what happened.

I told her I was thankful. She asked why. I said it was probably a good thing the Saints were playing the other Pennsylvania team. She was confused and I pointed out that she might have done the same thing among some Eagles fans. She laughed and said nothing would have happened and that "People are people."

I waited until she got back home and explained exactly why some Eagles fans should not always be considered as just 'people'.
"Why are there so many commercials? Every three seconds there's commercials!"

She loves watching rugby for this reason. No commercials.
I went on a date with a girl in high school and while were at the football game she asked me ..

"Why don't they just run to the 'touchdown area' behind them since it is closer?"

I thought she was being funny until I realized she was seriously wanting an answer ..
My girlfriend literally knows everything about football.
Probably put half of the members here to shame.
"Tony Romo is tanner than I thought"

My fiancee is not a sports fan, and had no idea that Dak has been our QB for 2 years. She made this comment when we played the Giants. I actually laughed for probably a minute straight.
My wife gave me an autograph picture of Tony Romo and said got this for you but I have no idea who he is. When I told her she replied Troy Aikman is not the qb any more. After I explain to her that he retired several years ago she replied well what about Emmit Sanders?
I hope you got that on video for the divorce!
I had someone drop in while the Cowboys were playing. She gave a cheer when we got a touchdown and then cheered again. I asked what she was cheering for the second time and she said they just scored again. (Instant replay.)

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