For all you Dak haters. Look what your hero Wentz has been up to


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This is so stupid. A QB and the team around him can both stink.

I am not sorry that you are all butt-hurt your buddy Wentz stunk the first two weeks.

You going to be ok when the Eagles bench him for Hurts?


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All you guys who come in here and post stuff like this, you deserve all you get. You come off a miracle win, really a game that we should have lost, and you bring up Wentz and then call everybody out for deserved criticisms in many cases of Dak's play? All you get, you deserve.

Just admit you are wrong and move on......


Regular Joe....
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I agree it is still a team win but given the fact that Dallas was behind as they were and it fell a to Dak and the passing game then yes like any QB in the NFL who overcome that situation they get credit, really is it that fricken hard to understand. This is what I'm talking about you can't give a simple great going Dak , great game. Yes players picked it up, defense including buy any other QB in the NFL who lead his team from behind like Dak did gets credit but not here and not by his critics it seem to be too damn hard for them to handle. I don't care if people like him or not what I do not get is acknowledging great play from him, not it is down played and watered down by his critics.

By the way if you paid attention I did comment in a thread about the defensive play being much better in the 2nd half and was told no they were crap. I don't have issues with giving credit or blame be it WR, OL, DL or Dak yet some here do and they can only throw out crap about how bad of a QB he is .

It fell to the Defense Dooms. They had to keep us in the game, mistake after mistake on behalf of the other units, until the Offense could get there collective crap together. Hell, Dak even said it himself. It was an entire team effort and yet, here we are trying to make the case that Dak was the reason. Calling out other fans for no reason at all, basically ruining the entire win and because why? Why does this have to happen? Why do you gotta jump on that bandwagon instead of allowing everybody to enjoy the win? You are better then that. I've known you for years. If these rookies want to act like Jackwagons, well, that's on them but you know more then that. You know this wasn't Dak. This was more Defense then Dak but really, this was the entire team and if not for one of the dumbest special teams plays I've ever seen, I mean like right up there with the 1993 TG Day Leon Lett Play (Bless his heart), we would be having very different discussion right now.

So forgive me for not paying attention, where is your thread on the Defense. Why aren't you still arguing with whomever told you the Defense didn't play well or contribute and why is it that you are still arguing the point of Dak with me, if you really believe what you just said?


Intramural Legend
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I am not sorry that you are all butt-hurt your buddy Wentz stunk the first two weeks.

You going to be ok when the Eagles bench him for Hurts?
What are you even talking about? I don't think Wentz is good.

You don't have to be sorry for that, but you should be sorry for the fact that you can't read.


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It fell to the Defense Dooms. They had to keep us in the game, mistake after mistake on behalf of the other units, until the Offense could get there collective crap together. Hell, Dak even said it himself. It was an entire team effort and yet, here we are trying to make the case that Dak was the reason. Calling out other fans for no reason at all, basically ruining the entire win and because why? Why does this have to happen? Why do you gotta jump on that bandwagon instead of allowing everybody to enjoy the win? You are better then that. I've known you for years. If these rookies want to act like Jackwagons, well, that's on them but you know more then that. You know this wasn't Dak. This was more Defense then Dak but really, this was the entire team and if not for one of the dumbest special teams plays I've ever seen, I mean like right up there with the 1993 TG Day Leon Lett Play (Bless his heart), we would be having very different discussion right now.

So forgive me for not paying attention, where is your thread on the Defense. Why aren't you still arguing with whomever told you the Defense didn't play well or contribute and why is it that you are still arguing the point of Dak with me, if you really believe what you just said?

This defense SUCKED you must be on that WET if you are trying to credit the defense for the W.


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Well Jeffery doesn't count, since he hasn't played. Jackson is fine as your #4.

I'm not knocking Dak, idiot. I literally just said he's the third-best QB in the league.
so you come up with excuses for wentz...not sure why...perhaps at some point you defended wentz and said he is better than dak so you want to defend your view...

but I find it funny that some Dak detractors (are you one?), point to 2018, when dak had no weapons and knock him, yet now defend wentz's craapy play and come up with excuses that he has no weapons...

I don't get it.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He did not play a single playoff game now did he chump? Dak has lead his team to 13-3 season as well didn't he? had won NFC East 2 times in 4 season.
Why the name-calling do you lose control of your senses when you can't handle a debate?
Guess so....then again when insults and foul language are posted here it's from a Dak-Troll......kinda verifies the poor level of fans that adore Prescott!


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It fell to the Defense Dooms. They had to keep us in the game, mistake after mistake on behalf of the other units, until the Offense could get there collective crap together. Hell, Dak even said it himself. It was an entire team effort and yet, here we are trying to make the case that Dak was the reason. Calling out other fans for no reason at all, basically ruining the entire win and because why? Why does this have to happen? Why do you gotta jump on that bandwagon instead of allowing everybody to enjoy the win? You are better then that. I've known you for years. If these rookies want to act like Jackwagons, well, that's on them but you know more then that. You know this wasn't Dak. This was more Defense then Dak but really, this was the entire team and if not for one of the dumbest special teams plays I've ever seen, I mean like right up there with the 1993 TG Day Leon Lett Play (Bless his heart), we would be having very different discussion right now.

So forgive me for not paying attention, where is your thread on the Defense. Why aren't you still arguing with whomever told you the Defense didn't play well or contribute and why is it that you are still arguing the point of Dak with me, if you really believe what you just said?

Defense played a part no doubt but defense did not put up the 40 points, we had no take aways in the game, Dallas drives were the length of the field. I also never once said defense did not play a part, they did they kept the score down in the 2nd half so why you are going on about that I don't know. Dak put up 451 no ints 1 TD pass and 4 td total in the game, he got his weapons involved which is what QB do, Alt knew Dallas was in a position of having to throw it but could not stop him. I never once said Dak did it alone but his play made a hugh difference in the outcome of that game but again it is too damn hard to admit it right? lol


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
All you guys who come in here and post stuff like this, you deserve all you get. You come off a miracle win, really a game that we should have lost, and you bring up Wentz and then call everybody out for deserved criticisms in many cases of Dak's play? All you get, you deserve.

I agree this should have been a loss. But other than the ridiculous attempt to backhand a "pass?" when Dak was being sacked, he played well. Fact is his arm kept the team in a position to win, regardless of fumbles by other players and questionable coaching calls.

And while I understand your premise about the game, it stands to reason that Dak had some significant road blocks, and yet he did not give up. He kept firing, and kept the ball in the hands of Dallas and not tossing picks to end any slimmest of slim chances to win that game Dallas had.

Dak should not be penalized for anything but his momentary brain fart. Otherwise he stood tough and delivered passes, which is his job. And he led the team.

I admit this thread is a bit pedantic. I cannot throw rocks because I have started more than my share of threads like this over twenty years. (Wow, twenty years!)

But the Attack Dak Pack look for every nuance to lay blame on him regardless of its validity and will not incorporate any of the extenuating circumstances we see applied to Wentz.

Fair is Fair.

By the way, I think if Wentz were to go to a new team with a fresh start, he would shed this cloak of failure the Eagles have built around him. I would be more than pleased to have Wentz in Dallas. Regardless of what people here think about him.

But we have Dak, and at this moment in time, that is just as good if not better.


Well-Known Member
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Why the name-calling do you lose control of your senses when you can't handle a debate?
Guess so....then again when insults and foul language are posted here it's from a Dak-Troll......kinda verifies the poor level of fans that adore Prescott!

You started with the name calling so don't play innocent victim. What is funny is anytime I see you post I know exactly what the topic is. You talk about nothing else I take it that you don't know much to begin with so all post are directed at slamming Dak.


Intramural Legend
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so you come up with excuses for wentz...not sure why...perhaps at some point you defended wentz and said he is better than dak so you want to defend your view...

but I find it funny that some Dak detractors (are you one?), point to 2018, when dak had no weapons and knock him, yet now defend wentz's craapy play and come up with excuses that he has no weapons...

I don't get it.
Holy...I don't know what you're talking about. I have said that Wentz is bad lol and I'm the exact opposite of a Dak detractor.

The obsession Cowboys fans have with saying anything other than "Wentz sucks" is stupid.


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I agree this should have been a loss. But other than the ridiculous attempt to backhand a "pass?" when Dak was being sacked, he played well. Fact is his arm kept the team in a position to win, regardless of fumbles by other players and questionable coaching calls.

And while I understand your premise about the game, it stands to reason that Dak had some significant road blocks, and yet he did not give up. He kept firing, and kept the ball in the hands of Dallas and not tossing picks to end any slimmest of slim chances to win that game Dallas had.

Dak should not be penalized for anything but his momentary brain fart. Otherwise he stood tough and delivered passes, which is his job. And he led the team.

I admit this thread is a bit pedantic. I cannot throw rocks because I have started more than my share of threads like this over twenty years. (Wow, twenty years!)

But the Attack Dak Pack look for every nuance to lay blame on him regardless of its validity and will not incorporate any of the extenuating circumstances we see applied to Wentz.

Fair is Fair.

By the way, I think if Wentz were to go to a new team with a fresh start, he would shed this cloak of failure the Eagles have built around him. I would be more than pleased to have Wentz in Dallas. Regardless of what people here think about him.

But we have Dak, and at this moment in time, that is just as good if not better.

Any cloak of failure Wentz has is his own doing. Eagles won a championship when he was put on the bench and in 2018 when they sucked Nick Foles came in and took them to the playoffs. He's the only failure there.


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They don't like to be called Dak haters, they prefer Dak critics! Lol!!!!
critiquers of dak. and i'd say he's looking pretty good. not just on the field, but in his cowboy shirt and hat. reminds me of jay novacek.