For all you T.O bashers listen to Mickey Spags

BP believes it was intentional.


Parcells said Monday "we don't condone that kind of activity," adding that the team may also punish Owens.
ilovejerry;1242967 said:

If you don't have speakers or can't listen to it I will try and recap, But I have my hands full here at work and really not able to recap right now, Long story short, It happens allot in the NFL , D Hall Is a Punk,, why should we believe D Hall . I will try and get you an exact recap but I'm sure someone will post it before me

because Owens has a history of being an *******

and because Owens has an opportunity to explain what happened and all he did was simply admit it :rolleyes:
BigDFan5;1244014 said:
I dont use the term haters either everyone has a right to an opinion right or wrong. My point is, if you feel "hater" is annoying and wrong why lower yourself to doing the exact same thing that you admittedly hate? If other people wanna call people a hater for their opinions let them, why bring down the quality of your own posts with the same childish behavior ;)

Because this forum IS childhood to me...a big sand box to be a kid in.

There's enough serious in life, my friend, w/o taking myself seriously here.
LaTunaNostra;1245034 said:
Because this forum IS childhood to me...a big sand box to be a kid in.

There's enough serious in life, my friend, w/o taking myself seriously here.

That's sorta why I enjoy the banter on here.
Pats Fan;1244448 said:
More, more, more.

Just this web site -- how many pages. Oh, give me more, more, more.

The world has gone nuts.

And, believe me this does hurt your team's image. How many people think well of the Boys now??? Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

And you know what, the worst insult you could give a person is to spit in their face, or insult their mother.

TO, you are a low life.

Spit in my face, don't even think about it.

The Boys are falling into the depths by giving him a forum

What toilet did you pop out of?
Clove;1244522 said:
10 dollhairs say this thread reachs the 500 mark. :)

That would be fun wouldnt it. Hey lets run this all week. lets see if we can do it..
Bleu Star;1245069 said:
That's sorta why I enjoy the banter on here.

Can you fathom that people actually, really take millionaires playing a game this serious. Really stop and think about it for a moment, Its great we hate these guys we love these If WE win, I love this country. Well gentleman, I bid you a fond goodnight and will be back to rant and banter to incite and to laugh my head off at you faceless nameless, Devotes of the Cowboys of Dallas.:bow:
stealth;1243023 said:
the way peopel say he admitted it is kinda misleading the guy never said " I spit in his face" he said he apoligizes etc etc but never came out and said yes I spit in his face. There is wiggle room for interpretation there, I have spit in people's faces before on accident and apoligised. I am not saying thats what happened but there is too much room for personal opinions in the whole thing.

Just wondered. You had me going for a while on the intricacies of statements.
How bout them Cowboys?
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Regardless of your opinion of Owens character I just think its important to take a step back and look at the players he has called out or had incident with and their character, or lack thereof. Especially in the case of Hall and Mcnabb who in my opinion deserve every bit of bad they recieve in the NFL. You reap what you sow and even though I do not condone spitting in another persons face it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Hall is a habitual antagonist, loudmouth egomaniac(sound familiar), and if you watch enough Falcons games you will see him take every opportunity to "bend" the rules. Also anyone wondering if the late hits etc. came after the alleged incident didn't watch the game because he came with it -as usual- with his first play of the game against Owens. If you act like a punk long enough eventually some of that punk is going to come back and hit you in the face(pun intended). Lets not forget the King of Choke with the gift of lies -er- gab. Mcgabb is in my opinion the shiftiest, double talking, excuse-making, company man, liar in the NFL, save maybe Tiki Barber. There's this sense of entitlement and insincerity you get when you watch either of them conduct an interview that makes your skin crawl(sound familiar). Superiority complexes and classless behavior, no matter how they're acted out, have no place in a TEAM sport and were they to learn that they may have a ring by now, all of them. Oh and by the way Donovan, YOUR Egirls are doing just fine without you. Don't hate the player, hate the game and the fact that we all as fans let these self-agrandizing jackholes ascend to heights in its culture that they do not deserve. What they do deserve however is each other, funny how life works huh?, I guess it just takes one to know one. MHO

THE*LAW;1245508 said:
Regardless of your opinion of Owens character I just think its important to take a step back and look at the players he has called out or had incident with and their character, or lack thereof. Especially in the case of Hall and Mcnabb who in my opinion deserve every bit of bad they recieve in the NFL. You reap what you sow and even though I do not condone spitting in another persons face it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Hall is a habitual antagonist, loudmouth egomaniac(sound familiar), and if you watch enough Falcons games you will see him take every opportunity to "bend" the rules. Also anyone wondering if the late hits etc. came after the alleged incident didn't watch the game because he came with it -as usual- with his first play of the game against Owens. If you act like a punk long enough eventually some of that punk is going to come back and hit you in the face(pun intended). Lets not forget the King of Choke with the gift of lies -er- gab. Mcgabb is in my opinion the shiftiest, double talking, excuse-making, company man, liar in the NFL, save maybe Tiki Barber. There's this sense of entitlement and insincerity you get when you watch either of them conduct an interview that makes your skin crawl(sound familiar). Superiority complexes and classless behavior, no matter how they're acted out, have no place in a TEAM sport and were they to learn that they may have a ring by now, all of them. Oh and by the way Donovan, YOUR Egirls are doing just fine without you. Don't hate the player, hate the game and the fact that we all as fans let these self-agrandizing jackholes ascend to heights in its culture that they do not deserve. What they do deserve however is each other, funny how life works huh?, I guess it just takes one to know one. MHO


Excellent post! Thanks for the read.
THE*LAW;1245508 said:
Regardless of your opinion of Owens character I just think its important to take a step back and look at the players he has called out or had incident with and their character, or lack thereof. Especially in the case of Hall and Mcnabb who in my opinion deserve every bit of bad they recieve in the NFL. You reap what you sow and even though I do not condone spitting in another persons face it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Hall is a habitual antagonist, loudmouth egomaniac(sound familiar), and if you watch enough Falcons games you will see him take every opportunity to "bend" the rules. Also anyone wondering if the late hits etc. came after the alleged incident didn't watch the game because he came with it -as usual- with his first play of the game against Owens. If you act like a punk long enough eventually some of that punk is going to come back and hit you in the face(pun intended). Lets not forget the King of Choke with the gift of lies -er- gab. Mcgabb is in my opinion the shiftiest, double talking, excuse-making, company man, liar in the NFL, save maybe Tiki Barber. There's this sense of entitlement and insincerity you get when you watch either of them conduct an interview that makes your skin crawl(sound familiar). Superiority complexes and classless behavior, no matter how they're acted out, have no place in a TEAM sport and were they to learn that they may have a ring by now, all of them. Oh and by the way Donovan, YOUR Egirls are doing just fine without you. Don't hate the player, hate the game and the fact that we all as fans let these self-agrandizing jackholes ascend to heights in its culture that they do not deserve. What they do deserve however is each other, funny how life works huh?, I guess it just takes one to know one. MHO


That has to be the most thought out rational post on this thread, When I started this thread I wanted to see the insight of you guys and I have to say some made me laugh some made me shake my head,but most really entertained me,But This well thought post has to be the best . we can continue this thread but I think all that needs to be said was eloquently put with this post congratulations You couldn't have said it better I believe in every word you typed:bow:
I Second That Motion...i Still Think We Are That Better With T.o In Our Arsenal.....

Pats Fan;1244448 said:
More, more, more.

Just this web site -- how many pages. Oh, give me more, more, more.

The world has gone nuts.

And, believe me this does hurt your team's image. How many people think well of the Boys now??? Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.

And you know what, the worst insult you could give a person is to spit in their face, or insult their mother.

TO, you are a low life.

Spit in my face, don't even think about it.

The Boys are falling into the depths by giving him a forum

Clove;1244534 said:

Hey Clove... you smell that.....

ITS FEAR.... the Pats dont want to face the Cowboys...
THE*LAW;1245508 said:
Regardless of your opinion of Owens character I just think its important to take a step back and look at the players he has called out or had incident with and their character, or lack thereof. Especially in the case of Hall and Mcnabb who in my opinion deserve every bit of bad they recieve in the NFL. You reap what you sow and even though I do not condone spitting in another persons face it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Hall is a habitual antagonist, loudmouth egomaniac(sound familiar), and if you watch enough Falcons games you will see him take every opportunity to "bend" the rules. Also anyone wondering if the late hits etc. came after the alleged incident didn't watch the game because he came with it -as usual- with his first play of the game against Owens. If you act like a punk long enough eventually some of that punk is going to come back and hit you in the face(pun intended). Lets not forget the King of Choke with the gift of lies -er- gab. Mcgabb is in my opinion the shiftiest, double talking, excuse-making, company man, liar in the NFL, save maybe Tiki Barber. There's this sense of entitlement and insincerity you get when you watch either of them conduct an interview that makes your skin crawl(sound familiar). Superiority complexes and classless behavior, no matter how they're acted out, have no place in a TEAM sport and were they to learn that they may have a ring by now, all of them. Oh and by the way Donovan, YOUR Egirls are doing just fine without you. Don't hate the player, hate the game and the fact that we all as fans let these self-agrandizing jackholes ascend to heights in its culture that they do not deserve. What they do deserve however is each other, funny how life works huh?, I guess it just takes one to know one. MHO


i like it when he tried to pile on late once and colombo b*ch slapped him back to the ground. that was cool.
THE*LAW;1245508 said:
Regardless of your opinion of Owens character I just think its important to take a step back and look at the players he has called out or had incident with and their character, or lack thereof. Especially in the case of Hall and Mcnabb who in my opinion deserve every bit of bad they recieve in the NFL. You reap what you sow and even though I do not condone spitting in another persons face it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Hall is a habitual antagonist, loudmouth egomaniac(sound familiar), and if you watch enough Falcons games you will see him take every opportunity to "bend" the rules. Also anyone wondering if the late hits etc. came after the alleged incident didn't watch the game because he came with it -as usual- with his first play of the game against Owens. If you act like a punk long enough eventually some of that punk is going to come back and hit you in the face(pun intended). Lets not forget the King of Choke with the gift of lies -er- gab. Mcgabb is in my opinion the shiftiest, double talking, excuse-making, company man, liar in the NFL, save maybe Tiki Barber. There's this sense of entitlement and insincerity you get when you watch either of them conduct an interview that makes your skin crawl(sound familiar). Superiority complexes and classless behavior, no matter how they're acted out, have no place in a TEAM sport and were they to learn that they may have a ring by now, all of them. Oh and by the way Donovan, YOUR Egirls are doing just fine without you. Don't hate the player, hate the game and the fact that we all as fans let these self-agrandizing jackholes ascend to heights in its culture that they do not deserve. What they do deserve however is each other, funny how life works huh?, I guess it just takes one to know one. MHO


i'd like to note the use of "jackholes" to show the court of public opinion that i'm not the only one to use various forms of "jack" when combined with other words we can use to illustrate the words we can't.

thank you, that is all.
Uh, guys, how long are you going to keep this thread going? You are getting really close to matching one of the Q threads.

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