Against. The show's intended format showcases training camp and not the one specifically held by the Dallas Cowboys. My stance has always been for HBO making the rounds through the entire league before returning to this franchise UNLESS HBO incorporated broadcasting entire unedited preseason games into the show. If that happened, I would not care less about other HBO subscribers, excuse me, other teams' fans getting screwed out of seeing their favorite team on the network. That ain't happening.
So far, The Cowboys and Bengals have been featured twice--with the Ravens, Chiefs, Jets, Dolphins, and Falcons under the spotlight once. That leaves 25 other teams ripe for unnecessary overexposure. Allow the rest of the NFL to participate in the nonsense too. Or simply change the show's name to 'Dallas Cowboys Training Camp' and remove all pretense. The NFL could simply steal the show's concept, produce one for each team every year and further flesh out it's NFL Network daily programming. Add some more drama while drawing more subscribers.
nah. That makes too much sense. Never happen.