For those of you who hate Romo or Dak, what's your true motive in doing so?


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Not like anybody is just going to say "I hate black quarterbacks" in 2019 outside a Klan BBQ or something. Unless you live in a very different place than I do haha :eek:

That said I think it's just a function of "no rings yet = bad quarterback" kind of reductive fan craziness more than anything. Danny White was turbo hated for the crime of not being Roger Staubach, and he's a white guy literally called "White" right in his name.
Well, this thread is going to get shut down, fo shizzle!


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In this thread, I would like to ask that we avoid discussing things like stats, Super Bowls, playoff wins, QB rating, turnovers, efficiency on third down or so forth - we've already done those topics dozens of times before already. Whether Romo/Dak is clutch or not, good or bad, has been done to death. So no need to talk about that. We don't need to talk about the bobbled snap in Seattle or Dak's deep ball.

What I do want to talk about is this: Let's just address the elephant in the room. There is a certain segment of the Cowboys fanbase that quite openly hates Romo or Dak, and takes a personal vested interest in seeing to it that Romo's career is perceived as negatively as possible, or wants Dak to fail.

So - for those of you who do (and we all already know some posters who fit one of those descriptions - I won't name them by name, but you and we know who you are) - what's your real motive in this? Do you, as a Romo fan, feel that trashing Dak somehow elevates Romo? Do you, a Dak fan, feel that trashing Romo somehow elevates Dak?

What are your real motives? No need to be shy, let's hear them. I'm not starting this thread to be judgmental, I really do want to see what people's honest motives are here.

Pretty simple. The trolls that hate Dak are Romo cry babies. This has been covered since the beginning.

Its not possible to be a real fan of the Cowboys and NOT like Dak in the 4th round.

Romo was just a clueless bunch that thought we needed Tom Brady and blamed everything Romo. AGAIN, you aren't a real Cowboys fan if you don't love Romo as an undrafted FA.


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I never did like when Parcells replaced Bledsoe with Romo at halftime.

I thought at the time he doesn't have the head to play the position at a championship level.

Once JJ annointed Romo, Parcells got out of town as quick as he could.

He saw the writing on the wall.

Romo made the best of the situation but when it came down to making
big decisions in big moments he failed.

It never really was about the skills with Romo it was about the mindset.

But it was not all his fault is was organizational.

I can still remember Witten after the beat Philly for a playoff win commenting
"the monkey is off our back". Really? How can you say that to fans that
fair or not judge Dallas by Championships.

Even these Witten is still talking noise about "this is the year".

For the up-tenth time.



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Good grief. Enough with the drama. Nobody hates either one of those QBs . Romo is no longer our concern. Dak is a very mediocre talent that could hold this team back for years to come and it looks like he will be overpaid to do it. I have higher expectations for a Dallas QB than settling for Dak. A QB shouldn’t need the top RB, a top five WR and a OL made up of first round picks just to be average and the defense still has to bail him out. Now average wants 40 million a year to miss all those passes, fumble 12 times and cause tons of sacks. That stuff is a lot cheaper with other QBs.


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The tragedy of Romo is as soon as he learned to mentally play the position ....... His body gave out.

I'd say he had it pretty well figured by 2009, his turnovers were way down that year. The problem was the Cowboys didn't have a real roster again until 2014, and he was legally dead by 2015. Between those two seasons were some of the worst defenses and offensive lines in team history.

I never did like when Parcells replaced Bledsoe with Romo at halftime.

I mean, if you're arguing BLEDSOE was clutch then LMAO


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You say “Dak has been labeled a winner,” but I disagree.

To the majority of football fans/media, Dak is simply along for the ride. He might as well be the 100th-best QB in football, because “Zeke carries the team” and “anyone could succeed with this supporting cast.”

It’s sheer stupidity, just like it was when Romo was labeled a choking bum despite being one of the best QBs in football. Dak’s a good starting QB whose strong play has kept the Cowboys relevant since he took over for Romo.

Romo didn’t get his due and neither is Dak. Neither did Aikman, for that matter. It’s part of what comes with being the Cowboys QB, which is why it’s annoying when COWBOYS fans continue to underappreciate their team’s starting QB.
hey Nav. Really dont think the majority of football fan/media think Dak is that bad.
You exaggerate here, imo.

If we had a poll, I bet the vast majority would put him in the 13-16 range of NFL starters
The real outliers would be those that have him in the top or bottom 5 or so.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
When Tony Romo went to Cabo on his own time, with Jessica Simpson the showed me he was a self-centered individual. Does that mean I hate him no but I did lose some respect for him. Prescott I have no issues with


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Let's define the word "hate".

Do you mean "hate" Romo and Dak as people? Or do you mean "hate" Romo and Dak in how they played QB?

Those are two wildly different ways to not like a player.
Well I guess he said he doesn't want to discuss statistics or anything that happened during the playoffs. So it must be a personal issue


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Every time the season was on the line and all we had to do was he the beat the Eagles or the Giants. You knew something bad was going to happen. I could care less about what happened during the season all those statistics. When it when it really matters. That's when I wanted the first guy to come through . The second guy there's no reason to hate him he's a winner

No one came through. Not the QB, RB, WRs, defense, HC and certainly not the GM who had no idea how to build a football team.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No one came through. Not the QB, RB, WRs, defense, HC and certainly not the GM who had no idea how to build a football team.
Yes but we weren't discussing them in this conversation. This was about the quarterbacks. Someone doesn't follow the rules. I screwed up also. This isn't about playoffs or game scenarios it's about the guy's personality if I read the post

PA Cowboy Fan

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Well I guess he said he doesn't want to discuss statistics or anything that happened during the playoffs. So it must be a personal issue
Yea because that's the only problem I ever had with Romo. The other stuff was with fans who made excuses for him and put him ahead of other HOF QBs. I like Tony personally and I enjoy watching him on TV.


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History shows no such thing ...... We have never been able to replace what 31 gave us. If not for back to back broken arms he would have had an even longer career making you look stupid.

As far as types ...... I am the type that likes good qb play ...... Which both Romo and Dak have given us.
31 went from feared defender of the middle of the field to pylon overnight. Well before age was a factor.

But that's not the point, which you appear to have missed.

The point has to do with the dynamic of attacking the poster instead of the post. Applying characterizations like hate or in your case of having an agenda or trolling simply because you don't agree with an opinion. You can't even use history of the poster in my case as I had no history. All these years later and your game hasn't changed at all.

Your attempt at trolling the trolls might seem noble to you but it comes across as childish and hypocritical. Ego driven. You are what you profess to hate.


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31 went from feared defender of the middle of the field to pylon overnight. Well before age was a factor.


comes across as childish

Yet here you are ........ at least 12 years later ,since 31 has not played for the cowboys since 08, and you are still crying about how someone hurt your feelings

I do not even have a memory of you. :laugh:


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I think people dislike Prescott greatly simply because they think Romo had a shot of winning the Super Bowl That season. And he was playing with his team. And they won't forgive him for that. That's about the only thing I can imagine


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There are several posters here who want not only Dak, but the team as a whole to fail. They’re the ones that have been spewing hate here for a long time and need the team to fail so they can pound their chests and say “See, I told you so”. Fact.

I don’t understand this. Sure there are players who don’t play as good as we’d like but they’re cowboys still, I’ll root for them to get their head out their butts maybe lol but I don’t think I’ve HATED any player.