For Those That Do NOT Support the RW Signing


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BraveHeartFan;2339215 said:
As could have anyone else.

Getting Roy for those picks is far better than using the #1 on an unproven rookie WR which a ton of people were hoping we'd do.

Geez man we're still going to have 9 draft picks you don't think Jerry and his people can wheel and deal, move around, and make some pick ups that we need with 9 picks?

Exactly. Alot of posible future moving parts if we didn't pull the trigger now. Roy could have gotten a huge offer from some other team in the offseason. The Lions also could have slapped the Franchise tag on him, and then tried to trade him. We just avoided all of that potential mess, and got a great WR for the stretch run.


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Is Jerry sure that Dallas will win it all this year? No, he is not, but he is willing to try to win it all. We just don't know how the rest of the year will play out. Dallas can beat any and every team out there. So can every other contender. I have not watched any team that is head and shoulders above the league. It is wide open for the most part. Every team has flaws. Jerry should go for it. You never know how things may turn out both good and bad.

Jerry could have waited until next year to sign Roy Williams as a free agent. That does not guarantee they win a SB next year, either. I think Roy being a Cowboy helps Dallas compete for a title this year and several years.


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Losing Hurd and Stanback's gimpy shoulder played a part in this decision too...


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Everyone is worried about picks. Look at how we draft. Carpenter for example a #1 that is a bust so far. Spears is finally making plays. Why not get a guy that can help now. Our drafting stinks. I believe we will get to see him plan some get to know him and have a better chance at signing him long term as well. What a idea we get a younger receiver knowing we will need to draft one in the draft but a proven one. Mind blowing right.... look the upside of this trade. Drafting since Jimmy has gone has stunk.


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Let's see, we have our QB in Romo, our future #1 receiver after TO is gone, Witten for the future plus a future star in Bennett, Barber is still young, but Felix is the future, Austin our future number 2, Amendola could be a future slot guy, Spencer should get better, we do need 2 HUGE ILBs for the future if we're still going to run the 3-4.

We need A HUGE NT if we're planning on running the 3-4, and our young secondary looks promising.


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Clove;2339333 said:
Let's see, we have our QB in Romo, our future #1 receiver after TO is gone, Witten for the future plus a future star in Bennett, Barber is still young, but Felix is the future, Austin our future number 2, Amendola could be a future slot guy, Spencer should get better, we do need 2 HUGE ILBs for the future if we're still going to run the 3-4.

We need A HUGE NT if we're planning on running the 3-4, and our young secondary looks promising.

I think next year we will pick up one ILB in FA, esp if Z Thomas retires, and we will probably pick up another one in the Draft.

I'd hope we pick up a massive NT and another OL in the Draft as well.

That's not too much to ask for, IMO.


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Dallas;2339228 said:

Yeah lots of people called me a chicken little after a brought up how bad the Washington game really was and how bad the Cinncy game really was....

Heck, I said that Romo and the D was off in the Cleveland game and got the same thing....

Look how those turned out....a lot of people were throwing around Chicken little after the cinncy game, hope you don't end up looking as ridiculous as they do.


Lightning Rod
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utrunner07;2339197 said:
You are missing the point. RW was going to be a free agent at the end of this year with Detroit...then we could have picked him up with out giving up draft picks.

he would have been franchised


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utrunner07;2339197 said:
You are missing the point. RW was going to be a free agent at the end of this year with Detroit...then we could have picked him up with out giving up draft picks.

NO NO NO! Roy was never going to be a FA! Detroit would've franchised him and then possibly traded him.

I will admit that in that senario the ultimate trade would certainly net less than what we gave up today.

But that's not the point. We have him NOW! For this years run. To hell with 2009!


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Eventually we would have to address the WR position, most likely with a 1st rounder, lots of cash or both.

If we throw a 1st at a WR in the draft, can anyone guarantee that he would produce like Roy Williams? Roy wanted to come to Dallas and may sign a friendlier contract to do so, can anyone guarantee another WR of his caliber doing the same?

This trade improves our chances of getting to the big game today and improves our chances of continued success down the road. I'll take that.


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utrunner07;2339129 said:
Sorry mods if ya'll think this should be in the same thread. Seemed like a different direction than that one was going though...

RW is a great receiver no doubt about it and yes he makes our recieving corp better but....

As several have pointed out, we just gave up a 1st, 3rd, and 5th for a player that was going to be a free agent in a few months...

Is Jerry that sure we are going to win it all this year? Cause he would be the only one....

This Oline has been bad, Pass Rush weak, Secondary Play weak, Special Teams has been "Special", We are beat up all around the place, We are in the toughest division in football, some of our guys seem to be on th verge of tears the whole game, our starting QB has lost his magic....we have a lot of problems, that can be overcome but its not a sure thing....

So we go out and sign a WR to fix all these problems? Its not going to matter one bit if we had Moss, TO, RW and Welker out there all at once if Romo does not have time to throw....

Lets take a step back....this is a very knee jerk reaction by Jerry IMO. One that could cost this team...

He takes risks and I love him for that.


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Why does everyone say we could have gotten Roy Williams at the end of season without giving up picks. You are absolutely wrong. Do you think Detroit was letting Roy Williams walk away with no Compensation. He would have received the Franchise Tage and cost either a 1st Rounder or 2-1st Rounders depending on which Tag he received. Come on people.....


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bigE79;2339194 said:

What's so funny? Care to post RW's stats to prove that he is worth the money and the picks? The dude hasn't been a game breaker in detroit. He is always hurt and his numbers do not even come close to warranting what we gave up for him. If you feel that is incorrect you can post the stats to back up your claim. I have already seen them.

Air Force One

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Thanos68;2339477 said:
and his numbers do not even come close to warranting what we gave up for him.
we won't know what we gave up for him until next year so that is a red herring


Kane Ala
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utrunner07;2339129 said:
Sorry mods if ya'll think this should be in the same thread. Seemed like a different direction than that one was going though...

RW is a great receiver no doubt about it and yes he makes our receiving corp better but....

As several have pointed out, we just gave up a 1st, 3rd, and 5th for a player that was going to be a free agent in a few months...

Is Jerry that sure we are going to win it all this year? Cause he would be the only one....

This Oline has been bad, Pass Rush weak, Secondary Play weak, Special Teams has been "Special", We are beat up all around the place, We are in the toughest division in football, some of our guys seem to be on th verge of tears the whole game, our starting QB has lost his magic....we have a lot of problems, that can be overcome but its not a sure thing....

So we go out and sign a WR to fix all these problems? Its not going to matter one bit if we had Moss, TO, RW and Welker out there all at once if Romo does not have time to throw....

Lets take a step back....this is a very knee jerk reaction by Jerry IMO. One that could cost this team...

Nothing wrong with a differing opinion.

RW is a great receiver no doubt about it and yes he makes our receiving corp better but....

I doubt many will argue against the fact RW adds a lot to the receiving corps.

I guess Jerry thought the window is open to win a SB and that's a hole he just filled. I would also bet you Jason was asking for it and telling Jerry he could make the offense go a lot better with RW.

It also closes the door on other teams competing and driving up the price. It also guarantees you RW will be on the roster for a few years at least. Also RW may have consented to a more favorable contract to get out of Det and have a chance to win a SB this year.

OL has been great. Couldn't disagree more. One of the higher ranked offenses. Yes, last week was not normal for Adams. He was injured. Our OL should remain a strength. I could be wrong but the evidence points in the other direction IMO.

Secondary play has been good esp when you consider TNew played with a problem. Henry isn't looking great but he's not bad either. Jenkins and Scandrick are playing well above the expected norms for rookie CBs in this league. AJ was playing better and better each game. Now they'll have to step up.

STs have sucked and you rarely hear me use that word. We are beat up some but hey we've been lucky for awhile with injuries. No one is out for the year except a 4-5 WR assuming Hurd does go IR. Can't do anything about the division but maybe the East isn't the beast everyone thought it was. Clearly very good and it is competitive that's for sure.

Romo has been playing lights out. I will admit the stats last week don't tell it all but you cannot dismiss Romo's league leading stats.

And nothing is a sure thing esp in pro sports. We are a competitive team that is certainly not dominate but still one of the better teams in the league.

See above. I couldn't disagree more although I admit the OL could be better. Romo took his time in the pocket and Adams was injured. Colombo had an occasional problem but wasn't a sieve. The interior wasn't ransacked. Much of the problem there lies at Garrett's feet. He should have shored up the protection and told Romo to get the ball out of there and move up in the pocket more if that didn't work.

All in all I like our chances and they just got a lot better IMO.


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Thanos68;2339477 said:
What's so funny? Care to post RW's stats to prove that he is worth the money and the picks? The dude hasn't been a game breaker in detroit. He is always hurt and his numbers do not even come close to warranting what we gave up for him. If you feel that is incorrect you can post the stats to back up your claim. I have already seen them.

He played for the Lions man, common, do you remember Moss on the Raiders? Not saying he is Moss but sometimes a change of scenery makes for great results.


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I dont care about the draft picks, what were we going to use them on. Another Boby Carpenter, or Marcus Spears. Our late rouind picks seem to be better than our early picks anyway. And we are pretty good at each position now so that pick wasnt likely going to come in and start imediatly. As long as we didnt give up multiple first round picks im good with it. An to be honest i think TO probably happy, why wouldnt he be, this frees him up to make big plays. Why are people always looking for negatives. Its a good day for Cowboys fans, so we should enjoy it.


Through Pain Comes Clarity
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BraveHeartFan;2339221 said:
After seeing how Braylon Edwards smacked up Ross last night I'm sure there is plenty of fear in Giant country over how they're going to cover TO, RW, Crayton, and Witten.

I loved it when Braylon performed that double move on Ross and Ross was falling left and right and then Edwards caught the TD and Ross acted like he was injured :laugh2: That was hilarious.


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DaBoys4Life;2339240 said:
However we we're doubled up on those picks so we can wheel and deal this draft and get O lineman that are really on our list we still have 9 draft picks.......not counting compensation picks....

I posted that before I knew we only gave up our 1st. I love the trade now. :D


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all you guys saying so what it could turn into a bobby carpenter, look at the last 10 years.

those busts are the reason the cowboys defense is no good. and why the team was so poor.

you can't get around the draft. that's how you build a successful team. and the ONLY way.

this trade just guarantees failure because it gives up any hope of improving/sustain your team.

at least now i can just sit back and relax, watch the game and forgot about wishing.hoping this team will do this or that to get better. their fate is sealed. welcome to a rebuilding team in 2 years.

patriots give up a 4th for moss
cowboys nothing for TO

and now they give up a 1,3,6 for roy williams :bang2: