Foreskin Fans on ExtremeSkins

Star4Ever;2867621 said:
So, let me see if I can get this right. According to you, the village idiots post dozens upon dozens of Cowboy-related "articles" and other fluff because there's so much of it out there? Regardless of the amount of articles available regarding the Cowboys, why do they seem to have to post it on a Commander forum? I'll tell you why. They're obsessed and they have no lives whatsoever. That much is obvious.

Living in the D.C.,Md and VA area I can tell you that 9 out of 10 skin fans are 100% obsessed with the Dallas Cowboys, so to me the fans that post on ES are just as indicative of the fans I meet in person.
DCBoysfan;2868042 said:
Living in the D.C.,Md and VA area I can tell you that 9 out of 10 skin fans are 100% obsessed with the Dallas Cowboys, so to me the fans that post on ES are just as indicative of the fans I meet in person.

As far as many (not all mind you) Skins' fans go, I guess it's not so much being obsessed with all things Dallas Cowboys as it is that they have an inferiority complex when it comes to the Cowboys. The Skins have obviously been a successful franchise, but they haven't bee as successful as the Cowboys have. And more importantly, they aren't viewed as being as important to the NFL as we are. I have several friends who are long time Skin's fans, and they're exactly that way. They always say the Cowboys get too much media attention, are too flashy, etc. It's simply jealousy. Why else would Skin's fans care how much pub we get?
DCBoysfan;2868042 said:
Living in the D.C.,Md and VA area I can tell you that 9 out of 10 skin fans are 100% obsessed with the Dallas Cowboys, so to me the fans that post on ES are just as indicative of the fans I meet in person.

Ok so judging by the membership here, Cowboys fans are more obsessed with Commanders fans, then they are with the team.
Sonny, regardless how many registered posters there are on ES, the simple fact remains that about 75% or more of them (especially in the ATN) talk far more about the Cowboys than the Skins. That certainly holds true for our two favorite village idiots over there. As I've posted previously, I don't blame them as much as I do the mods on the board. They shouldn't let that garbage go on. Why not just call it ExtremeCowboys since they're discussed more than the Skins. I don't expect a rival's board to be "Cowboy friendly", but it could at least be directed more towards actual football discussions and rational posting.
Sonny#9;2868061 said:
Ok so judging by the membership here, Cowboys fans are more obsessed with Commanders fans, then they are with the team.

Compare the number of threads on this site related to ES with the number of threads on ES related to the Dallas Cowboys or its fans. The dumbest human being in the world can see the difference. Nuff said.

By the way, you seem to want to continually talk about the number of Dallas fans on ES (I occasionally view the stupidity there, but don't post), but YOU always seem to be here. Curious, isn't it.
Star4Ever;2868059 said:
They always say the Cowboys get too much media attention, are too flashy, etc. It's simply jealousy. Why else would Skin's fans care how much pub we get?

Or, maybe, in the What-have-you-done-for-me-lately NFL, what have the Cowboys done lately to deserve the attention?

It's quite simple. Sports journalism has gotten lazy. No one checks sources, rather they rely on the "anonymous sources." They want to get the maximum readers, website hits, etc. And frankly the Cowboys are the most polarizing team. A lot of people love them. More people hate them. And not just Skins fans.

How many other teams who've failed to win even a playoff game for 12 years get this much attention?

They've probably received more attention then the Super Bowl champs.
Star4Ever;2868064 said:
Sonny, regardless how many registered posters there are on ES, the simple fact remains that about 75% or more of them (especially in the ATN) talk far more about the Cowboys than the Skins. That certainly holds true for our two favorite village idiots over there. As I've posted previously, I don't blame them as much as I do the mods on the board. They shouldn't let that garbage go on. Why not just call it ExtremeCowboys since they're discussed more than the Skins. I don't expect a rival's board to be "Cowboy friendly", but it could at least be directed more towards actual football discussions and rational posting.

Then you should rename this section ES-Obsession Zone. B/c it's discussed far more then anything else...

You can pat yourself on the back -- but really -- your obsession with two Commanders fans is far more pathetic then their obsession with the Cowboys team.
Star4Ever;2868067 said:
Compare the number of threads on this site related to ES with the number of threads on ES related to the Dallas Cowboys or its fans. The dumbest human being in the world can see the difference. Nuff said.

Well let's take a look shall we? In the NFL Zone the only thread here that come close to this thread, about ES, is about Jim Johnson dying. Nothing else even has 100 posts. How many ES posters are arguing about Cowboys fans over there. I'd say you're more obsessed with two Commander fans then you are about football...

Star4Ever;2868067 said:
By the way, you seem to want to continually talk about the number of Dallas fans on ES (I occasionally view the stupidity there, but don't post), but YOU always seem to be here. Curious, isn't it.

And? Your point?
Sonny#9;2868094 said:
Well let's take a look shall we?

Yea lets look ...... I see one thead on the first 4 pages. Wow alot.

Sonny#9;2868094 said:
Nothing else even has 100 posts.

You have the most posts by far in this thread ..... coincidence? I think not ..... you and your silly Commander buddies keep bumping it after it lays dormant for days so you can lamely try to point out how obsessed we are with you .... :laugh2:
Sonny#9;2868081 said:
Then you should rename this section ES-Obsession Zone. B/c it's discussed far more then anything else...

No. It's not.

In fact, during the off season, I would venture that the most commonly discussed topic in this section has been TO.
zrinkill;2868154 said:
Yea lets look ...... I see one thead on the first 4 pages. Wow alot.

You have the most posts by far in this thread ..... coincidence? I think not ..... you and your silly Commander buddies keep bumping it after it lays dormant for days so you can lamely try to point out how obsessed we are with you .... :laugh2:

Excellent point.

This thread had been dormant for 12 hours prior to Sonny's comments.
ScipioCowboy;2868324 said:
Excellent point.

This thread had been dormant for 12 hours prior to Sonny's comments.

Yes, that must be it. Us gosh-darn Commanders fans...starting threads about the Cowboys on ES, perpetuating threads here...'cause no Cowboys fans ever respond in kind...:rolleyes:
Sonny#9;2868463 said:
Yes, that must be it. Us gosh-darn Commanders fans...starting threads about the Cowboys on ES, perpetuating threads here...'cause no Cowboys fans ever respond in kind...:rolleyes:

That's precisely what you did; this thread had been dead for 12 hours until you resuscitated it.

Physician, heal thyself.
ScipioCowboy;2868470 said:
That's precisely what you did; this thread had been dead for 12 hours until you resuscitated it.

Physician, heal thyself.

Yep...'cause you and zrinkill and Star4Ever have shown so much goes both ways.
Sonny#9;2868472 said:
Yep...'cause you and zrinkill and Star4Ever have shown so much goes both ways.

You are the one denying your obsession ...... I have never denied my obsession for slapping silly trolls around.

Now ..... wait 24 hours and bump this thread again. :D
Sonny#9;2868472 said:
Yep...'cause you and zrinkill and Star4Ever have shown so much goes both ways.


I can't say that I've ever brought back a dying thread, and then criticized the board because the thread was still around.

ScipioCowboy;2868503 said:

I can't say that I've ever brought back a dying thread, and then criticized the board because the thread was still around.


But you just can't help responding can you?

Didn't you tell me "Physician Heal Thyself?"

Again, goes both ways my friend.
Sonny#9;2868519 said:
But you just can't help responding can you?

Didn't you tell me "Physician Heal Thyself?"

Again, goes both ways my friend.

"Physician, heal thyself" was a response to the disingenuousness of your criticism.

If it pleases you to dredge up dying threads, so be it. But it's hypocritical to criticize the popularity of a particular thread when you've been one of the primary contributors to that thread and you took the time to dig it up after 12 hours of inactivity.

Once again, it can't go "both ways" because I'm not the one acting disingenuously.
ScipioCowboy;2868528 said:
"Physician, heal thyself" was a response to the disingenuousness of your criticism.

If it pleases you to dredge up dying threads, so be it. But it's hypocritical to criticize the popularity of a particular thread when you've been one of the primary contributors to that thread and you took the time to dig it up after 12 hours of inactivity.

Once again, it can't go "both ways" because I'm not the one acting disingenuously.

Do you think this would continue if you didn't respond?

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