Twitter: Former Cowboy Bill Bates struggling with dementia

Any word as to why Broaddus left??

He's never said anything publicly as to why, and has even denied it had anything to do with Mickey. But I know that as with many people, Broaddus didn't get along with Mickey either. And I think at some level it had to be A factor. Maybe not THE factor, but one of them. Nobody wants to have to deal with a coworker you can't stand every day. I think the radio stuff presented itself in some fashion and Broaddus took the opportunity. But I've never read or heard any comprehensive statements as to why.
Sad to hear this. I played all sports growing up, including football and I'll just say that it was the only one that had me questioning what I was doing. I got hit by a 96 mph fastball that left a baseball-sized bruise in my back and it was still nothing like colliding with a 200+ pound running back with a full head of steam.
Next up, Roy Williams... not making light of - just suggesting these are the consequences of that playing style that STILL finds us thrilled and enthralled as fans.
Every time I hear about a other player going though this I start feeling guilty for watching the damn game.
This is indeed sad news. One of my favorite Cowboy of all time.
He got his nickname in Spanish (NFL transmission in SAP) because his heroics and 'cause he would do stuff that no one else would on the field. I still remember how on a kickoff play he flew horizontally to break a 5 men wall to allow his fellow players get to the returner, the other team didn't pass the 15 yd mark, I wish I could find it on YouTube, it was on a pre-season game and for many years he was on the cut list and always managed to earn a position on the 53 man roster.
Dementia can strike for many reasons, for them to say this was from concussions is not exactly accurate. However, I would think that, as my first guess. The science of proving this condition is not proven methodologically yet. I do believe concussions are damaging though. That's why, I think it's crazy to become a boxer or octagon fighter, not sure the payoff is with the punishment to Ur brain. Exercise can produce new connections in the brain till the day you die, do I think he needs to work on that, then maybe memory exercises to try and counter this if at all possible.
A true warrior that embodied what it was to give your all every play . Sorry to hear this tragic news
Thanks for the memories Bill. Very sad news, he was fearless on the field. Hope Bill is fearless in is current battle.

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