Hip hop music isn't the problem, it's a symptom. The problem stems primarily from the almost complete breakdown of the family. While all segments of society are suffering from this crippling phenomenon, it's more than obvious that it's more prevalent in black society. No one can argue that. The lack of a structured childhood with both parents present to provide guidance, morals, integrity, role models, and discipline are causing the youth of this country to seek out what they need in the wrong places. They ignore education because it isn't "cool". They bend to peer pressure and get involved in drugs, alcohol, and crime at early ages. If they're not killed or jailed at an early age, they continue to lead this type of life into adulthood simply because they can't function in any other manner. They arrive in their 20's without an education or any type of skills with which to make a living. Men, black or otherwise, have numerous children by multiple women and they're not there to provide financial support and the other things that they themselves did not receive when they were growing up. It's a vicious cycle and until the black community says enough is enough it isn't going to change. Like Whitlock said, no one else can do it for them. There has to be a complete reversal of thinking if things are going to improve. Many people, both black and white, don't want to face this reality because they want to place the blame on the government, other races, etc., as long as they don't have to place the blame on themselves. It's sort of like an alcoholic or drug addict. First you have to admit you have a problem before it can be fixed. I hope it isn't too late to make changes, but I'm skeptical at this point. We may have gone too far down that path. I hope not.