FoxSports: Taylors death a grim reminder for us all

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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I'm black, live a mile from the beach, make a very good living, never been arrested, live in an area that is predominantly white, wake up proudly everyday to kiss my lovely wife & hug my two wonderful kids, and listen to more hip hop at the ripe old age of 38 than most 20 somethings listen to. Hip hop has been in my blood since the age of 14 or so and it is still burning strongly today. It's more than just the music...


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Bleu Star;1796309 said:
I'm black, live a mile from the beach, make a very good living, never been arrested, live in an area that is predominantly white, wake up proudly everyday to kiss my lovely wife & hug my two wonderful kids, and listen to more hip hop at the ripe old age of 38 than most 20 somethings listen to. Hip hop has been in my blood since the age of 14 or so and it is still burning strongly today. It's more than just the music...

That explains allot!;) :D


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It is kinda funny how there are always other things to blame when something bad happens. Hip Hop, rap, whatever, I tell you, those CDs must be dangerous throwing weapons. For some reason, we never blame a person, its gotta be something else.

Thought a bit as to whether I even wanted to comment on this article, heck I listen to hardcore rap....guess I'm suposed to be the target here, lol. There are so many assumptions in this article, that I really don't even feel like taking the time to break him off on it. But blaming music for people's actions is just a cop out, if I did do something crazy, it definitely ain't cause I was listening to Soulja boy before I did it.


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Hip hop music isn't the problem, it's a symptom. The problem stems primarily from the almost complete breakdown of the family. While all segments of society are suffering from this crippling phenomenon, it's more than obvious that it's more prevalent in black society. No one can argue that. The lack of a structured childhood with both parents present to provide guidance, morals, integrity, role models, and discipline are causing the youth of this country to seek out what they need in the wrong places. They ignore education because it isn't "cool". They bend to peer pressure and get involved in drugs, alcohol, and crime at early ages. If they're not killed or jailed at an early age, they continue to lead this type of life into adulthood simply because they can't function in any other manner. They arrive in their 20's without an education or any type of skills with which to make a living. Men, black or otherwise, have numerous children by multiple women and they're not there to provide financial support and the other things that they themselves did not receive when they were growing up. It's a vicious cycle and until the black community says enough is enough it isn't going to change. Like Whitlock said, no one else can do it for them. There has to be a complete reversal of thinking if things are going to improve. Many people, both black and white, don't want to face this reality because they want to place the blame on the government, other races, etc., as long as they don't have to place the blame on themselves. It's sort of like an alcoholic or drug addict. First you have to admit you have a problem before it can be fixed. I hope it isn't too late to make changes, but I'm skeptical at this point. We may have gone too far down that path. I hope not.


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by the way, in regards to hip hop music, it's not the music per say that's the problem, it's the message. When kids see entertainers getting rich by glorifying treating women like hookers, beating and killing people, shooting cops, taking drugs, etc., that's what appeals to them. Afterall, it's their heros singing about such things. Young minds are impressionable, sometimes to a fault. Kids are unfortunately products of their environments and upbringing. Far too many have either no upbringing at all or the kind that ends up bringing out the worst in them. We're all capable of terrible things. Fortunately, most of us can control our emotions and actions due to the fact that we value life, property, etc. Many others can't.


Mick Green 58
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This was a Home Invasion that resulted in a homicide.

Has nothing to do with Little Rock, Hip Hop or the Black KKK.

To say so, would be pure speculation and the author gladly admits it.


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mickgreen58;1797226 said:

This was a Home Invasion that resulted in a homicide.

Has nothing to do with Little Rock, Hip Hop or the Black KKK.

To say so, would be pure speculation and the author gladly admits it.

Unfortunately, at this point no one knows what it is. Everything is speculation regarding this tragedy. Hopefully the person(s) responsible will have to pay.


Mick Green 58
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abrittain;1796137 said:
While Whitlock makes many good points in this article he makes just as many ignorant points in other articles. I think he doesn't like white or black people. His constant rantings about race get on my nerves. Does he ever talk about anything else? I am not knocking this particular article but someone needs to tell him there is more to sports and life than race issues.

No, he is a "Black Hired Gun" and his sole job is to stir the Race Pot. Alot of Newspapers have these type of guys. They tend to mostly come in extremes, some who's job is to blame the White Man for everything that happens (they were very prevalent during the Vick Trial and they are idiots) and others like Whitlock who seems blame Black People and our culture for everything (they are idiots as well).

Sad, but some people will choose to take his writings as Gospel for the sole reason that he is Black. There reasoning being that he's Black, so he must be an authority on all things black :eek: ?


Intramural Legend
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I think its a great article, and I'm sure that some people will be rubbed the wrong way.

I was going to post it because one of my professors (history of sport) gave our class this article and we talked about this stuff and sport the whole time.


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mickgreen58;1797226 said:
Black KKK.

I hate this term, black KKK? The KKK was an organized group designed to terrorize black people. The epidemic we are seeing is a symptom of the culture that is prevalant in the ghetto and other low-income places. You might as well call this culture the black al-qaeda or the black hamas. There's the same amount of relevancy.

And I wonder what the statistics for white-on-white, or hispanic-on-hispanic homicide is. People act like murder within a race is a huge deal, but I'd say 90% of the time when somebody is killed, they have a relatively close relationship to the killer and most people know the most people within their race. Just saying...

But I think the article is right in it's premise. You live in a culture that glorifies drinking, you are going to see a rise in alcohol sales I'm willing to bet. Likewise, if you see a culture that glorifies sex, drugs and violence, you will see a rise in those activities. Most people just want to fit in, it's a basic human desire and will lead to people doing things not because they necessarily want to, or is in their nature to, but because they want to belong. How often do you hear kids (teenagers in particular) say, "but *insert classmate's name* is doing it!" or "I'll be the only girl/guy that doesn't have/do X"?

It's not a hip-hop thing, that's, like another poster said, a symptom (art reflects culture, culture doesn't imitate art), or movies or video games thing, it's a culture thing. When we make getting locked up, staying hood, getting your swerve on, etc... entertainment (including hip-hop) will change with it. But it's not an influence outside of the culture can affect, it has to come from within.


Lightning Rod
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I don't know about society glorifying sex will lead to increases in sexual activity. Seems to me that will happen regardless, people like to score, simple as that.


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CanadianCowboysFan;1797306 said:
I don't know about society glorifying sex will lead to increases in sexual activity. Seems to me that will happen regardless, people like to score, simple as that.
Let's get this out of the way early... For the most part, guys like to score no matter what (over the age of about 12 or 13). So basically it falls to women (sadly enough, but pretty true).

Fact 1) Sex is displayed and glorified a lot in pop culture moreso than in the past. In the 50s, TV stations wouldn't display Elvis below the waist because it was sexually provocative. Turn on MTV or VH1, chances are there are girls gyrating around a bunch of guys, or guys with a bunch of girls fawning over them. Sex is glorified. Girls are shown (if not directly taught) that it's okay to have sex somebody they barely know and it's all a part of just some harmless fun.

Fact 2) Teen pregnancies, STD transmission rates and sexual activity for high schoolers (and even middle-schoolers) are way up. The average age a woman loses her virginity is way down (I think that I read it was 14 somewhere).

They might be completely irrelevant to each other, but I doubt it.


Old bulletproof tiger
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firehawk350;1797340 said:
Let's get this out of the way early... For the most part, guys like to score no matter what (over the age of about 12 or 13). So basically it falls to women (sadly enough, but pretty true).

Fact 1) Sex is displayed and glorified a lot in pop culture moreso than in the past. In the 50s, TV stations wouldn't display Elvis below the waist because it was sexually provocative. Turn on MTV or VH1, chances are there are girls gyrating around a bunch of guys, or guys with a bunch of girls fawning over them. Sex is glorified. Girls are shown (if not directly taught) that it's okay to have sex somebody they barely know and it's all a part of just some harmless fun.

Fact 2) Teen pregnancies, STD transmission rates and sexual activity for high schoolers (and even middle-schoolers) are way up. The average age a woman loses her virginity is way down (I think that I read it was 14 somewhere).

They might be completely irrelevant to each other, but I doubt it.


Please stay on topic folks?


Active Member
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Whitlock is spot on here. As an african american it makes me sick to see whats going on here. The only thing i disagree with here is the blaming of hip hop. I listen to hip hop and im not out killing people, and robbing them. The problem is society has lost it's values. Ther regard for human life is almost zero. 15 years ago you settled your beef with your fist, these days it's handled with a quick bullet.

I was raised by good parents , grandparents and even great grandparents. It starts in the home. Whilock nails it pefectly. I have a feeling his message wil fall on deaf ears though.


Well-Known Member
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I think there's a big difference between hip hop and hardcore gangster rap. I'm assuming Whitlock was aiming his venom moreso at the latter. I think that the gangsta stuff can and does have a negative effect on young, impressionable people, especially those that live in bad neighborhoods/circumstances. However, it's just one of many contributing factors.


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Interesting article that makes sense but does stir the pot. However ask anyone you know that works for a prison and they will confirm what the author states has validity. Many of the "gang bangers", "thugs" or whatever you want to call them do is rap/try to rap or play basketball. That is what MOST of them are interested in and only in. They thrive for this type of lifestyle and will do whatever it takes, illegal for the most part but want to make it reality. It is obviously a problem that America will face for a long time.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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mickgreen58;1797226 said:

This was a Home Invasion that resulted in a homicide.

Has nothing to do with Little Rock, Hip Hop or the Black KKK.

To say so, would be pure speculation and the author gladly admits it.

Where's that hammer? Oh! There it is!!! :hammer: