From Spygate to Deflategate

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All you have to know about that website(**************.com) is that it was created by butthurt Patsie fans, for butthurt Patsie fans. That's why a certain someone here loves it so much.

I know. It's fun calling him out on it.

"We ran an unusual defense by putting in a dime package, but they still scored 24 points against us, therefore they must have been cheating." - Iggles

Please don't think the below is directed at you, it's directed at the sad sack pathetic excuse making Iggles..!!

Don't make me no never mind if it's directed at me or eagles players.

Fact remains.. The patriots and Brady are the Charlie brown "pig pen" character. They direct ya d that cloud of dust follows them.



No translating allowed by people with agendas, please.

So wait a second.... are you telling me the Cowboys did nothing wrong and got unfairly treated by the league office??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........

Stay on topic please. Respect the op.

The Pats and their fans have spent the whole offseason defending themselves and Tom Brady. They didn't get to enjoy winning the Super Bowl at all. At least their summer was ruined.

They won't take the Lombardi away but everyone knows they got caught cheating again. One Federal judge isn't the end of the story.
One of you said 100 threads on this topic the off season? Rogah, myself did not start 98% of them.

What's behind all that hate? Fear itself.

As this goes one, Hatriots just look smaller and smaller...also embarrassing all things Cowboys. Of course, they are too angry to see that. So continue to post ancient Spygate rumors and other here say. Give a blind eye that all teams bend/break rules. Continue to believe spite trumps fact.
One of you said 100 threads on this topic the off season? Rogah, myself did not start 98% of them.

What's behind all that hate? Fear itself.

As this goes one, Hatriots just look smaller and smaller...also embarrassing all things Cowboys. Of course, they are too angry to see that. So continue to post ancient Spygate rumors and other here say. Give a blind eye that all teams bend/break rules. Continue to believe spite trumps fact.

Want to know what's truly embarrassing? Two dudes hanging on a Dallas board when they so clearly are not Dallas fans. I mean seriously? You got nowhere else to go? The Pats board doesn't suit you?

You chimed in last season in VERY long detailed posts about why you didn't like the Cowboys anymore..whining about the fans made you turn to the Pats. LMAO.

And STILL hanging on a Dallas board chirping about your beloved Pats.

If anything you two embarrass anything Patriots. Of course we all know here there is no embarrassing that bunch of cheating lying scum. Nor their fans either obviously. See ya around. I KNOW you're not going anywhere. Just lurking on a Dallas board for who knows why.
One of you said 100 threads on this topic the off season? Rogah, myself did not start 98% of them.
All threads and posts are voluntarily created and interacted. So your point would have merit if you and the one or two fellow members of The New England Patriots Defense League had limited yourself to the 2%. The NEPDL has and shall be called out for its unceasingly and outrageously large, and totally unnecessary Brady love agenda.
One of you said 100 threads on this topic the off season? Rogah, myself did not start 98% of them.

What's behind all that hate? Fear itself.

As this goes one, Hatriots just look smaller and smaller...also embarrassing all things Cowboys. Of course, they are too angry to see that. So continue to post ancient Spygate rumors and other here say. Give a blind eye that all teams bend/break rules. Continue to believe spite trumps fact.

you are more and more sounding like the Iraqi Information Minister
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