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You Can't Fix Stupid
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Is there really a worse run NFL organization?

Even taking into consideration the Browns, Commanders, Jags....any of them. I say no.
We've had a few good seasons due to some decent rosters.

When Jerry and Jimmy started up they were the mold on how to build a team.............and now Jerry has degraded this organization into how NOT to run a team.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Is there really a worse run NFL organization?

Even taking into consideration the Browns, Commanders, Jags....any of them. I say no.
We've had a few good seasons due to some decent rosters.

When Jerry and Jimmy started up they were the mold on how to build a team.............and now Jerry has degraded this organization into how NOT to run a team.
Pretty dysfunctional.
Now that the Commanders have hired a real coach, we have lost our major competition.


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Is there really a worse run NFL organization?

Even taking into consideration the Browns, Commanders, Jags....any of them. I say no.
We've had a few good seasons due to some decent rosters.

When Jerry and Jimmy started up they were the mold on how to build a team.............and now Jerry has degraded this organization into how NOT to run a team.

This organization has been a joke because of the horrid coaching. Get real coaching in here that is demanding and has the respect of Jerry and the issue goes away. The other issue of bad drafting seems to have been solved.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
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Is there really a worse run NFL organization?

Even taking into consideration the Browns, Commanders, Jags....any of them. I say no.
We've had a few good seasons due to some decent rosters.

When Jerry and Jimmy started up they were the mold on how to build a team.............and now Jerry has degraded this organization into how NOT to run a team.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, this ^^. It’s Christmas all over again!


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Jerry just can't admit he was wrong and now he's going to show everyone who's in charge. He's about to impose his will on both the organization and the fan base and he doesn't give a damn what we think. Bend over ladies and gentlemen, because its coming...


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Ima save the pity party for after we see if Garrett is fired.


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Is there really a worse run NFL organization?

Even taking into consideration the Browns, Commanders, Jags....any of them

All of them. Browns went 1-31 in two years, for goodness sakes, how is that not worse than the Cowboys. Add to that list the Jets and the Lions. Jets not even in the playoffs the last 9 years. Lions haven't won a playoff game for decades.

Dallas hasn't gotten to the big dance in the last 23 seasons, but they've won division titles and playoff games, albeit few. One really poor season at 4-12, but even then they were close in most every game. Two overtime losses. Otherwise they were in the hunt every year.

Not saying I'm happy with the way things went, or are going, but you're judged first of all by championships but next by wins. Cowboys are far better in that regard than any of those 5 teams...



You Can't Fix Stupid
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All of them. Browns went 1-31 in two years, for goodness sakes, how is that not worse than the Cowboys. Add to that list the Jets and the Lions. Jets not even in the playoffs the last 9 years. Lions haven't won a playoff game for decades.

Dallas hasn't gotten to the big dance in the last 23 seasons, but they've won division titles and playoff games, albeit few. One really poor season at 4-12, but even then they were close in most every game. Two overtime losses. Otherwise they were in the hunt every year.

Not saying I'm happy with the way things went, or are going, but you're judged first of all by championships but next by wins. Cowboys are far better in that regard than any of those 5 teams...

I didn't say anything about season records I said it's the worst run.......and it is
The arrogant self centered egotistical cares more about his "feelings" than he does about winning football games...........if he was guaranteed super bowls wins if he would step down as GM he still wouldn't do it.........I could go on and on but I think you get the picture........nothing Jerry does is ever right.


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I didn't say anything about season records I said it's the worst run.......and it is
The arrogant self centered egotistical cares more about his "feelings" than he does about winning football games...........if he was guaranteed super bowls wins if he would step down as GM he still wouldn't do it.........I could go on and on but I think you get the picture........nothing Jerry does is ever right.

What is the team "run" for? To win games, I don't think Jerry doesn't want to win games, or championships, to say he wants to win "his way" is correct, but that's a sub set of winning, the goal is to win Super Bowls, and Jerry desperately wants to do that, the fact that he wants to win "his way" doesn't change the basic goal.

He's done "right" things, like hiring Parcells, paying Romo when he had shown promise of greatness (never materialized of course), etc. Not enough things, but again, the goal is winning it all, and Jerry's at least trying to do that. I wonder if other owners are...


You Can't Fix Stupid
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What is the team "run" for? To win games, I don't think Jerry doesn't want to win games, or championships, to say he wants to win "his way" is correct, but that's a sub set of winning, the goal is to win Super Bowls, and Jerry desperately wants to do that, the fact that he wants to win "his way" doesn't change the basic goal.

He's done "right" things, like hiring Parcells, paying Romo when he had shown promise of greatness (never materialized of course), etc. Not enough things, but again, the goal is winning it all, and Jerry's at least trying to do that. I wonder if other owners are...
After 25 years of trying to prove he's a football guy backfiring in his face the two examples you gave are nowhere near enough.

Let me ask you this, if he wasn't the owner do you think he would be a GM anywhere? The answer to that is a resounding NO. He makes bad decisions after bad decisions and can't seem to do ANYTHING right.


Well-Known Member
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Is there really a worse run NFL organization?

Even taking into consideration the Browns, Commanders, Jags....any of them. I say no.
We've had a few good seasons due to some decent rosters.

When Jerry and Jimmy started up they were the mold on how to build a team.............and now Jerry has degraded this organization into how NOT to run a team.
nope. We placate and reward players for complicit ineptitude and celebrate mediocrity as a "process." Welcome to Jerry's Dallas Cowboys..circa 1997-2020.