Front Office needs to be more discreet!

CT Dal Fan

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This team is more interested in making headlines than being discreet. Thats why the players they want are intentionally leaked. It's also why their intentions to get rid of Amari Cooper and La'el Collins came out too soon and which is why they got nothing for Collins and next to nothing for Cooper.

That type of news should never see the light of day until a move is actually made. Didn't the Cowboys' actual draft board get leaked one year? It's insanity.


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I would say we know who the top 3 to 5 picks in a draft most years. Once you get out of the top 5 you look to your board and adjust as players come off the board. So really thinking about exactly is not a reality.
Every team has targets
Even the team picking second may have wanted the guy that went first
The farther down you pick the less predictable it gets
Every team gives news conferences and basically points out the obvious that everyone already knows
Every team knows every other teams needs
There are a whole lot of secrets in the draft. Generally it’s just how one team views a guy over another guy


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After it got widely reported Amari was going to fly the Coop the chickens came home to roost and we netted a 5th rounder which should be good for ST practice squad or Washing Jerry’s yacht ….


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I listened to the whole press conference. There was nothing to glean from it, other than Jerry loves to talk. The closest thing to news came near the end when he said he doesn't take as many risks..then immediately started to back pedal when the reporter asked why. This whole thing was a nothing burger.


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The one thousandth tread about the Jones' talking too much. Maybe the one thousandth and one will make a difference.

What is the running definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?


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You are asking way too much from these two. What you are asking for is a miracle and that is not in the cards for this team.


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Did either actually affect anything though? Maybe the market just wasn't very good for either player? I mean Collins signed with Cincinnati for a pretty small contract with an easy out after year 1. I'm still upset about the Cooper trade, because for a 5th I'd rather have just kept him, but it seemed clear no one was giving up much in draft capital for him.

When the Cooper talk came out I actually liked how the Cowboys were playing it. You werent getting a 1st for Amari, I think the best approach was to try to create urgency for teams to start bidding. If I were a team interested in Amari I would much rather trade for him than let him hit the open market and now have to convince him to come to my team and beat other contract offers. Still dont love the return, but I'm not sure the Cowboys approach was the issue.

You never have enough good OL talent. Collins had value but the Cowboys misplayed their hand and let the world know he was going to be traded or cut. That gave other interested team a big advantage over Dallas.

Cooper was more complicated. Part of the problem with him was the Cowboys had him on a bad contract for the team. That was the team's fault of course. The smart thing to do would have been to keep quiet and rework the contract and then trade him. But Jerry let it be known he was unhappy with Coop the player but I suspect it was more Coop the contract. Anyway, Cleveland spent a net 5th and risked being able to rework the contract (which they did). IMO smarter still would have been rework the contract, keep the player and let Gallup limp off to free agency. Probably be very little difference money wise. And considering his physical condition there is a good chance of resigning Gallup for another year or two on the cheap.


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Any sports journalist walking up to Jerry at a bar drinking bourbon is like lambs to the slaughter….he has to be watched very closely….like the “Big Guy”.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
How about a couple of very specific examples of what the OP is talking about? 1) Jerry Jones let the world know that he was not resigning Cooper. It was trade him or cut him. Everyone knew the Jones plan for their number 1 or 2 receiver. Most teams waited. But the Browns pounced just in time before the cut and got a good player for what amounted to a number 5 draft pick.
2) Same thing with their starting right tackle Collins. Told the world (and other NFL teams) their plans to cut or trade the player. Teams waited for the cut and when it happened Bengals snatched him up quickly. The Cowboys came away with zilch (nothing) for a starter with value because they talked too much.

Just two current examples of talking too much. I can list many, many more.



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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Someday the press will constantly ask challenging questions. Then, and only then will Jerry go into hiding.
I'm holding my breath :angry:

They can't because they won't be allowed to be around to ask them


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Rams had a pre draft new conference today as well and with the 57th pick said they are looking to trade back in the draft. Yet no one claiming how they are giving up their draft secrets. lol Fact is no matter what jerry says some people will spin it so can hammer Jerry. Today conference Jerry said nothing in terms of position they are looking at nor did he show his hand on trading up or down or saying at 24.

Ok the team with the first pick however isn't saying anything and they're ON THE CLOCK. Do you even know the Rams owner etc, I know I don't why because they're not like the Jones family and have to be in the news being owner and coach


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TBH, even these two football idiots know better than to show their hand this close to Thursday night. If a specific name is mentioned I would call it a smoke screen but it's not a secret that we have many needs so there are multiple names on our list. Basically, BPA.


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Every season, every off season we have the front office saying who they want, talking, and yapping their mouths. Where's gag order for them? It may be smoke screens, but do they always have to let people know that they're thinking?

Then on the other during free agency they remain quiet and are HAPPY WITH THE GUYS WE HAVE! Draft comes, oh yes we're thinking about moving up or down! Shut up would you!

No other organization does it like this, you may hear rumors, but the front office isn't giving major clues to what we're doing. It's frustrating, or maybe they feel we need something to talk about?? Lol please give me your thoughts...
We do this in order to engage the media and hype the fans . It’s all part of our dysfunctional ownerships attempt to spur interest to continue the revenue juggernaut without more success on the field .

Unfortunately it continues to be effective despite however embarrassing and ridiculous it is along with the lack of success on the field . Truly remarkable but until the cash registers stop ringing there’s no reason for them to change their ways .

On behalf of Jethro Jone$ and the hillbillies from Arkansas, we thank you Cowboy fans . Suckers !!!!


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Sometimes I wonder how they get up there for things like this without being thoroughly embarrassed.


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Give me a break they did not give away anything in this press conference. Media asked a lot of question tying to pin them down and they said nothing about who they are looking at or position. Jerry did not commit to move up or down or staying put. I get it you don't like Jerry, fact is he owns the team and some of us granted not many do what to hear what he says after all it is not people at this board making the draft picks or FA and frankly I would rather hear what they have to say since it is them making the call.
Does any other GM/owner stay in front of the cameras as much as the Jones family? Jerry may not have over-shared too much today, but he does it on a regular basis. There has been several times when Jerry has run his mouth when he should have kept it shut. He has stated the team’s intentions with certain players and he has publicly disagreed with the HC. I remember Jerry doing Garrett that way quite often. When players sees these public disagreements, they lose all respect for the HC.


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You never have enough good OL talent. Collins had value but the Cowboys misplayed their hand and let the world know he was going to be traded or cut. That gave other interested team a big advantage over Dallas.

Cooper was more complicated. Part of the problem with him was the Cowboys had him on a bad contract for the team. That was the team's fault of course. The smart thing to do would have been to keep quiet and rework the contract and then trade him. But Jerry let it be known he was unhappy with Coop the player but I suspect it was more Coop the contract. Anyway, Cleveland spent a net 5th and risked being able to rework the contract (which they did). IMO smarter still would have been rework the contract, keep the player and let Gallup limp off to free agency. Probably be very little difference money wise. And considering his physical condition there is a good chance of resigning Gallup for another year or two on the cheap.

I have to disagree with this because the Bengals signed him at a 4.5M cap hit this year and an easy out next year if needed. No team signed him to a contract even equal to what he was making with the Cowboys. Therefor we have no other choice but to assume the guy had negative trade value on the market given his contract. If a team wouldnt match his Cowboys contract in free agency, what makes anyone think a team would have been willing to flip a pick for that same contract they wouldnt give out in FA?

The cooper thing I get where you are coming from, but you cant rework a deal behind the scenes and then move a player. This isnt Madden, and you pull those moves the league has issues with hit, also the player has issue with it. Any player who gets their contract reworked to make them more lucrative in a trade? Cleveland didnt rework any deal, they just restructured it. The Cowboys could have done the exact same thing to Cooper with zero issues.


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Point is you do not go to the media with your plans for a player. You go to the GMs of other teams and let them know that you would entertain a reasonable offer. You do it quietly and very professionally. When word finally leaks to the media about your contacts with other teams you say something like " we talk to GMs every day about various talent and other things. At the point is it just nothing more than friendly chatter." Going through the media with a "trade or cut" declaration is not smart. Indeed it is dumb.

Who says they didn't go to the GMs of other teams? Feels like we are assuming a lot. I agree its a dumb way to do business, but we dont know the sequence of events that happened behind the scenes. If other GMs and Cooper really got a twitter alert on their phone and that was the first time hearing of the situation, yes that is an issue. A leak to the media after going about it the right way is a different situation though.


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What’s sad about this is Jerry’s claim to fame remains his business credentials and wheeling and dealing, yet not only as a talent evaluator, but Jimmy Johnson was even twice the shrewd negotiator and GM trader. I guess I’ve reached that point where I just know it’s never going to happen with Jerry running the show.


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Who says they didn't go to the GMs of other teams? Feels like we are assuming a lot. I agree its a dumb way to do business, but we dont know the sequence of events that happened behind the scenes. If other GMs and Cooper really got a twitter alert on their phone and that was the first time hearing of the situation, yes that is an issue. A leak to the media after going about it the right way is a different situation though.
You are asking us to give Jones and Son the benefit of the doubt and assuming they MAY have went through smart management moves before they plastered their intentions all over the media. I say given their long history they are just about beyond any "benefit of the doubt." Like I said Collins and Cooper are just two recent examples of Jerry and Stephen doing their work in the media first. I can cite more....many more.


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Discreetness is not in the Jones boys repertoire....they’re in a daily contest to see who can be the better Barney Fife