What is BitTorrent?
BitTorrent(BT) is a technology used to transfer large files in the most efficient and quicker way. It is a peer-to-peer (p2p) system where users are connected to each other directly to send and receive small portions of the file. However, there is a server (also known as tracker) where all peers (users) meet. The tracker manages all the connections and all users will directly connected to other users downloading the same file too.
There is two important terms in bitTorrent: seeder (the person having a full file) and leecher (downloader). Bear in mind that the server do not host the file that you wish to download except a small (.torrent) file. The file contain information of the tracker where a bitTorrent client is needed to process the file.
A bitTorrent client is needed to run the downloaded .torrent file. After running the .torrent file, you will be connected to a swam of peers (seeders & leechers). Then, you are ready to download the file into your local drive.
What do I need to start downloading?
1. You need to download a bitTorrent Client. (Click on "BT Client" at the left menu)
2. Install the BT client you have downloaded. (If you have problems get help from their web sites)
3. Then, choose the type of torrent you wish to download from the left menu such as games, applications, adult, movies, etc.
4. Choose a site that you prefer.
5. Click on the the site title and go to their site.
6. Search for the file you wish to download, then download the .torrent file.
7. Run the downloaded .torrent file with the BT client you have just installed.
8. Wait for the BT client to do some checking and connect to the tracker.
9. If it's connected then it will start to download from the peers if it still won't start it might be due to several reasons. (Refer to other FAQ Sites or click on "Tutorials" at the left menu)
Why should I use BitTorrent?
BT is a great technology used to transfer large files. Unlike other common file transfer methods which is using a client-server model. A central server sends the entire file to each client that requests it. The problem with this model is when there are too many clients downloading at the same time from the server the speed will be divided among every client which will caused a slower download speed.
As for bitTorrent, each client that is downloading the file will try to upload it's downloaded portion to other client which is downloading the same file. Thus, it will reduce the load of the server and even increased the speed of downloading. The more peers seeding the file the faster it is to download it. There are a lot of bitTorrent download sites which could be found here (at
What is a Seeder & a Leecher?
Seeder is a person who is only uploads files to other clients because they are the one who has a complete file. Meanwhile, leecher is someone who is connected to the swam of seeders and leechers to download the file they wanted. Eventually they also uploads the downloaded partial files to other peers.
Another meaning of leecher is for those who uses bitTorrent to download a file but refuses to seed (share/upload) once they have completed the download. Therefore, leave the BT Client continue to run once you have completed the download to ensure a higher sharing ratio. This will keep the BT community alive.