Fumblia, fumblreno, fumblruiski!


I am the Bat!
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I agree the fumbles HAVE to stop. Especially with Murray. One thing I will say though (and correct me if I'm wrong) but hasn't the defense done a decent job of not letting them score after the turnover? Not that I'm saying fumbling is OK, but I'm just glad the defense steps up and doesn't let it get out of hand. Get Murray some gorilla tape! =)
I'm at the point of being afraid somebody is going to fumble everytime they've got the ball. That's just my pessimistic nature as a fan though. I never feel good unless the team has a big lead (even that hasn't been safe in recent years with Dallas).
I'd like to EVERY skill position player walking around valley ranch with a football in there hands, with Defensive players being told to knock it out of there hands when they pass them.
Including QB (not sure if that counts as a skill position.)