This argument will never end. Conservative people will say, no one should celebrate, respect your opponent. Others (like myself) will say, have fun and show boat if you want, even that's in good taste.
If you really want me to get technical, I'll go way out there and say that things are done differently in different communities, and because it's not done a certain way in your culture doesn't make it bad.
In certain cultures, it's normal to be out playin a sport, and constantly show boating and havin fun, and makin fun of other players, that's just how it is and no one has a stick up their butts, and they all have fun with it. No one is disrespected.
But when you bring it to those who don't understand and didn't grow up doin it that way, you then are perceived as being a showboat, when in fact, you are doing what you've done all of your life and in your community. The fact is, people aren't goin to change because a group of people don't see it their way. It's their right, right to express anyway they please without harming someone.
It's called america, relax, calm down and don't be so freakin serious all the time.