Funny Images Thread

They would if there was an electrified puddle at the bottom....Of course, that might become a hot bird bath.



The out and out squirrel prejudice in this thread is appalling. Do you see them on their forum hatin' on and planning the destruction of humans? However, there are a couple of posters here that I have found a might "squirrely".

I read somewhere that squirrels really like Dak a lot.
The out and out squirrel prejudice in this thread is appalling. Do you see them on their forum hatin' on and planning the destruction of humans? However, there are a couple of posters here that I have found a might "squirrely".

I read somewhere that squirrels really like Dak a lot.

lol, as for my hatred of squirrels, it's simple. I have two pecan trees, which lures the squirrels in. They 1) can get aggressive. 2) Damage my house by chewing on it. (they've done this multiple times over the years) 3) Damage cable lines. 4) damage power lines or blow transformers when said power lines fry them. Given that they are flea and tick carriers and even potentially rabies carriers, I don't want them near my dogs or family.(especially since more tick-born diseases are spreading into this area more, including one that makes you allergic to red meat)..... Therefore squirrels need to die.
lol, as for my hatred of squirrels, it's simple. I have two pecan trees, which lures the squirrels in. They 1) can get aggressive. 2) Damage my house by chewing on it. (they've done this multiple times over the years) 3) Damage cable lines. 4) damage power lines or blow transformers when said power lines fry them. Given that they are flea and tick carriers and even potentially rabies carriers, I don't want them near my dogs or family.(especially since more tick-born diseases are spreading into this area more, including one that makes you allergic to red meat)..... Therefore squirrels need to die.

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