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Raymond posted his best dance moves on and........waited.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-3YEC2z5PUvQ/VWN-eofipFI/AAAAAAAAA2c/yfoYhB8Kgs8/w530-h398-n-rw/2015%2B-%2B1
Raymond posted his best dance moves on and........waited.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-3YEC2z5PUvQ/VWN-eofipFI/AAAAAAAAA2c/yfoYhB8Kgs8/w530-h398-n-rw/2015%2B-%2B1
Reggie Muffet would never enjoy curds and whey again.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-5cOOU9vNUSA/ViLGycYfNlI/AAAAAAAABxo/z47TucHxNuM/w400-h253-rw/15%2B-%2B1
How long do you think he kept those eggs under there?Will the real Peter Griffin please stand up.
Targeting!!!! Jinx has been disqualified from the game.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-f5rodnbokug/VM6AL6hQA6I/AAAAAAAAADE/J_s95L7248Y/w350-h340-rw/tumblr_n04m44Ca381s02vreo1_400.gif
THIS is what they make turkey bacon out of.I have nothing to add to this....
Now that's a clever dog! A little fresh paint, and it'd be Pepe Le Pew.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-_qiBbuYnXbE/T26I4Ql79xI/AAAAAAAAFzo/_sZ1N2MzX8k/w530-h409-n-rw/11.gif
"Clap on, clap OFF!"https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-5WNwJVCb24g/T2Jcf24jjKI/AAAAAAAAFEk/5e89zaIroWw/w530-h530-n-rw/Airbag.gif
That's why they tell you to roll your windows up, dummy.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-F-Pwmx4jTwA/T1GLPtfB0aI/AAAAAAAAFVs/nguruaAEEB0/w530-h398-n-rw/zebra-tries-eat-girls-hair.gif
Wow, those guys are horny!!https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-OnhoEztRpF4/T0bBNjPxfNI/AAAAAAAAFF0/j7ZHP8ZkA8g/w530-h381-n-rw/photo.jpg
"When she reappears, hope she's made a wardrobe change".Now you see me, now you don't!
THANK YOU!!!That's why they tell you to roll your windows up, dummy.
"It's about time my wish came true! Now I can sleep wherever I want, crap whenever I want, and eat.........Uh oh."Now you see me, now you don't!
Buffalo Bench Thoughts ...
"If this was Texas, they would be hunting each other for food by now."
"If this was cocaine, I would be rich .. or dead."
"Bills made the playoffs .. totally worth it!"
"I am really glad I put a roof on this thing!"
"I may need to wear my shirt with sleeves once the sun sets."
"This is the coolest fort ever!"
Her: "My eyes are up here."https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-6-0xmcJZTqE/T42zPwHrKCI/AAAAAAAAH4Q/qKAwyNmIvvE/w295-h245-rw/24E.gif
The Eagles won the Super Bowl, the Eagles won the Super Bowl.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-X1XvoESWPlM/T4CeKSsyYwI/AAAAAAAAHu4/dnNr29wSjG0/w316-h235-rw/jumping-chicken-haters-gonna-hate.gif
Otis knows how to throw a party.https://lh3.***BROKEN***/-wDFWWJutI4c/T_GohO4J0eI/AAAAAAAAEbA/qwbX0EBR_b4/w320-h183-rw/bd383086fb04476259b00fc.gif