At least he does not body catchOur next #1 receiver.
It was not Dak cause it would not have knocked him downWhat we need to know is who threw that ball.
LMAOIt was not Dak cause it would not have knocked him down
LUV THIS ONEhttps://lh3.***BROKEN***/-rheVWetmSwQ/TxSrb-ZVWZI/AAAAAAAAFXs/yjhd_jvdjhIUR_5d-NRrnNjya8pj4Vjdg/w530-h241-n-rw/8bb62cb1fb6527420aa05b1.gif
That's not the C Clamp I was taughthttps://lh3.***BROKEN***/-Erqhpkjwtpo/Txzo8-sgWrI/AAAAAAAAFcg/VvNriaJsvgc/w530-h503-n-rw/rude.gif
Looks like hazing.... hahahahttps://lh3.***BROKEN***/-azFjtZhgLLo/TxCZtsbcnSI/AAAAAAAAFqA/FTyBC44C4JE/w530-h398-n-rw/funnyfriends.gif
True dat Melon. They're beautiful but mean as hell. Just like @waldoputty.I've read where those things are bigger& twice as mean,unpredictable as a grizzly bear.