Funny Images Thread


Easy turning steering wheel.

Just FYI. When you hit the gas hard in a rear wheel drive vehicle. The backend will squat causing the frontend to come off the ground a little. The lack of friction on the tires makes the steering easy to turn. If you are not used to it, you will lose control. I've seen a couple of people wreck because they didn't know that fact. Dummies.
Easy turning steering wheel.

Just FYI. When you hit the gas hard in a rear wheel drive vehicle. The backend will squat causing the frontend to come off the ground a little. The lack of friction on the tires makes the steering easy to turn. If you are not used to it, you will lose control. I've seen a couple of people wreck because they didn't know that fact. Dummies.
It looks to me like they hit that puddle, which seems kind of oily, and the rears slid out.