Funny OT Jags player arrested

abersonc;1429073 said:
Yeah. It isn't like black folks are any more likely to get pulled over than white guys. Yeah. Not at all.

I got a speeding ticket in RI once, a dip in the highway in front of an overhead pass was a great hiding spot for him. I think it was 75 in a 55 at 6:30 in the morning on a Sunday, I was the only one on the road.

While he was writing me up on the side of the road his radar was still on and someone was coming up on us doing 80 (the radar was on his roof and we could both see it). He waved him over while still writing me up, we were joking together about the great spot he had, you really couldn't see him until you were 50 feet or so from him.

He was a nice guy and I was breaking the law, we both joked about the law saying how my 75 wasn't really putting anyone in danger on the empty road, but I was speeding and he did catch me. Even tho I got a ticket we actually got along real well.

Your statement above just made me realize he must have been a racist because I'm white and he was black....Sarcasm off...
KD;1429200 said:
Not all cops are bad guys but there are alot of A hole cops and I am sure plenty of people on the board have come into contact with them is some fashion thoughout their lives.

There are many racist cops and even more jerk ones and I don't blame the guy for saying what he said.

I bet being black has met many of these bad cops I speak of.

He isn't talking out of his.....lack of information :) . I would wager he has had at least on bad experience with a cop in the past.

Not an excuse but I understand why he would be so upset.

KD, some athletes believe in entitlement because of their celebrity. And some play the race card. So how do we know this particular cop was racist? If we should not stereotype other cultures or minorities why should we stereotype groups of professionals. What justifies this legally intoxicated athlete from making this assumption. Past white on black transgressions? How convenient when you are in trouble.

I once delivered auto parts working my way through school. The manager in charge was fanatical and demanding on all store employees. One particular employee who was black was hardly ever criticized to the point everyone thought he was a brown noser. Anyway, one day the manager went off on the black employee and the first thing he stated to some of us when the manager left for lunch was that the guy was a bigot.

I tried to explain that some bosses are aholes and that they are aholes to all and not just black folk. At some point you have to recognize that idiots are not necessarily racist. They indiscriminately abuse.

Although understandable but ironic when someone states to not hate them for the color of their skin or the way the speak but it is perfectly ok to hate others because they wear a uniform.
Society has rules. Everybody knows them and when you choose to break those rules you are taking the risk that you might get caught....whether it's speeding, drinking and driving or robbing a bank.

If you get caught, take it like a man. Nobody to blame but yourself in that situation.
WV Cowboy;1429362 said:
He did not look, act, or sound drunk to me.

So by observing a video clip from your desktop you can ascertain he was sober and second guess the sobriety testing process and the judgment of the police officer administrating it.

Look, I don't doubt that some people handle their liquor better than others and the football player may actually function quite well despite exceeding the legal limit. But if the police officer just went by how the Jaguar player acted and if he then drove off and got into a serious accident who would also would be held liable? How about that police officer and the department.

But the Jaguar player going to the hoosegow doesn't necessarily mean racism, it means covering your arse following the proper protocols. Also the Jaguar player must have been exhibiting some sort of concerning driving behavior for them to check on him to begin with.
cowboyed;1429538 said:
So by observing a video clip from your desktop you can ascertain he was sober and second guess the sobriety testing process and the judgment of the police officer administrating it.

Take a pill Freda, all I said was, "He did not look, act, or sound drunk to me."
joshjwc9;1428889 said:
I never said I doubted it, I just think that the state would be much better off in scaling back speeding, I understand the need to pick up those guys doubling the limit but saying 6 over in my case wasnt exactly hurting anyone on I75 at 3 in the morning......

It is overboard and I firmly believe any felony speeding (30 over) or drunk driving shouldnt be handled with a slap on the wrist but with stiff fines/penalities/jail time.

That WAS the reason you were pulled's 3 AM...if you were 1 MPH over, they would pull you over. Just to see if they would get lucky, that if you were drinking, then they get the DUI arrest. If it was 6 PM on a sunday, you would have been ok, or maybe a warning.

I've had cases where I was pulled over at 6 PM on a Sunday, Ft. Worth police THOUGHT my inpection sticker was out of date, he put his head in the window [to try to smell my breath], said I was good to go, and I went on. Another time, they tried to use my registration being out of date. It was in their system, but I had my new sticker. He did the same thing, said it must not be updated in their computer yet, said to go on. They use any tactic to pull you over. But in your case, it was 3 AM, they will pull anyone over for anything. Another instance, I was pulled over at 1:30 AM, for supposedly not stopping fully at a 4 way stop. Again, they let me go. He started to write a ticket. But then didn't. Figured he better get back to his hiding spot to get a DUI person, than to get a $100 ticket. I do not trust them at all. But then again, I always try to go the speed limit also.
ChldsPlay;1429104 said:
They need to give tickets out to all the slow drivers out there. They're the dangerous ones who cause accidents. Cutting people off all the time, making you slam on the breaks. Waiting 5 hours to make a turn. Not paying attention to anyone but themselves. Man I hate slow drivers.

And CELL PHONE abusers...makes them not pay attention. They slow down, don't look where they are going, or who is around them.
i dunno i get tierd of hearing that from people . because something happens to someone like thats its racism . haha does it say how fast he was going he couldve been going like 40 over the limit or something.retarted.
cowboyed;1429354 said:
KD, some athletes believe in entitlement because of their celebrity. And some play the race card. So how do we know this particular cop was racist? If we should not stereotype other cultures or minorities why should we stereotype groups of professionals. What justifies this legally intoxicated athlete from making this assumption. Past white on black transgressions? How convenient when you are in trouble.

I once delivered auto parts working my way through school. The manager in charge was fanatical and demanding on all store employees. One particular employee who was black was hardly ever criticized to the point everyone thought he was a brown noser. Anyway, one day the manager went off on the black employee and the first thing he stated to some of us when the manager left for lunch was that the guy was a bigot.

I tried to explain that some bosses are aholes and that they are aholes to all and not just black folk. At some point you have to recognize that idiots are not necessarily racist. They indiscriminately abuse.

Although understandable but ironic when someone states to not hate them for the color of their skin or the way the speak but it is perfectly ok to hate others because they wear a uniform.

I hear you talking. (Understand Sir)
I walked into a gas station a few months ago at about 10pm near campus to buy some beer to take to my friend's house and hang out. I had just gotten done moving, and hadn't had a drink all day.

There's a state trooper car parked outside the gas station when I walk in and I'm like "ok, whatever"... so I walk in and as soon as I do, I look up and see the state trooper and the cashier staring at me (they were previously talking to each other).. I didn't say anything and just kept walking to grab a six pack and 2 liter bottle of Pepsi...

As I was walking down the aisle to grab the Pepsi, my arm accidentally nudged a display that was needlessly sticking out and in the way...

when I got to the counter the cashier said "I can't sell you this..." and I'm like "um, why not?" and the state trooper goes "b/c I can smell it on your breath"...

remember, I'd been drinking only WATER all day and had just gotten done moving...

I was like "what? I just got done moving, I haven't had a drink since last weekend" or whatever..

and he's like "well I can take you outside and do the test on you right now and you know what? I'm never wrong"

I was just like **** this, got into my car drove literally across the street to t he 7 Eleven, got my beer, and left.

****ing ******* cops (particularly, not generally)
WV Cowboy;1429556 said:
Take a pill Freda, all I said was, "He did not look, act, or sound drunk to me."

Hmm, Freda like in Freda Payne or did you mean Fredo as in Fredo Corleone? What kind of chill pill do you rely on, maybe I could use one...

Although you didn't detail your rationale you did insinuate like an on-site witness, Hermione (Gingold). Now that is laying some mighty verbal hassenpfeffer on you with Hermione (pronounced HERMIME)and it far superior name dissing than Freda, don't you think.

On a more serious note, I am just surprised you commented so glibly about it that's all.

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