Did you mean Daryl Johnston? The moose? Doubt he would leave his Cush job to coach
Sure..sorry for the typo..it's late. Anyway, I agree, probably not come back but I understand Irvin spent some time too in the OTAs and MC hanging around the Clubhouse. I like that stuff..this team needs help with it's identity.
You know..with for all the great offenses we had over the years..I really only member the "Triplet"s as a named offense. There was Doomsday I&II in the SB years..but only one offense named. Nothing for Staubach's offense with Tony Hill, Tony Dorsett..or Meredith with Bob Hayes and Don Perkins.
So I think we need to name this offense of Romo, Murray and Dez...Tripletts II ?
Whatever..but those three are going to have to stay healthy and lead this team to the playoffs this year to get some of these monkeys off their backs.
No..this team has the large shadow of RGIII standing squarely in their way to any playoff hopes and probably for years to come.If this team is going to make any kind of move..it better be this year before RGIII gets too much momentum going or this teams future is surely in doubt with also the Eagles up and coming.