FWST Blog: Tit for Tat, Galloway and T.O.


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The problem with this kind of thing is, it doesn't mean anything. All we should care about, is what happens or does not happen on the field of play. Instead, everyone wants to turn the stinking team into a bad episode of LOST.

That whole thing going down last week was WAY too touchy feely for me. Why do I care if X,Y,or Z on the football team gets along with each other or not? Just play man. Its not like they're expected to go home and sleep with one another. Is it?


Go Cowboys!!!


Double Trouble
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Nice try. TO said himself that someone inside the lockerroom fed Ed Werder false information. That's a long ways from "Werder lied".

Peter King said his sources confirmed Werder's story. I guess he's a liar, too.


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Good column by Watkins.

I think it's ridiculous to suggest Werder fabricated his story. But I've said all along that "jealous" was a very strong word and very subjective at that.

That was probably the source's word, as he interpreted it, or Werder's word to describe the relationship between Romo and Witten compared to the relationship between Romo and T.O.

Furthemore, aside from the extremists on either side (those who believe this is a huge problem vs. those who deny a problem exists at all, no matter how small), is it safe to say this controversy boils down to this ...

- There was a meeting between Garrett and the other wide receivers, regardles who called it.

- The other wide receivers, including T.O., did complain about not getting enough balls thrown their way.

- That this problem/split/controversy shouldn't have been made a major story.

Is that a fair summary?


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Boysboy;2505636 said:
At the same time, is there anyone else who wouldn't mind if we lose to Balt, lose out, and don't make the playoffs?

BS or no, this whole high drama that has been playing out since we lost to the Giants in the playoffs is really starting to wear not only on the team, but on the fans as well.

Maybe it's best if we can go back to the drawing board by New Year's.:eek::

are you on medication???


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tyke1doe;2505898 said:
Good column by Watkins.

I think it's ridiculous to suggest Werder fabricated his story. But I've said all along that "jealous" was a very strong word and very subjective at that.

That was probably the source's word, as he interpreted it, or Werder's word to describe the relationship between Romo and Witten compared to the relationship between Romo and T.O.

Furthemore, aside from the extremists on either side (those who believe this is a huge problem vs. those who deny a problem exists at all, no matter how small), is it safe to say this controversy boils down to this ...

- There was a meeting between Garrett and the other wide receivers, regardles who called it.

- The other wide receivers, including T.O., did complain about not getting enough balls thrown their way.

- That this problem/split/controversy shouldn't have been made a major story.

Is that a fair summary?

I think all along the issue has been crystal clear.

Ed Werder took some info he gained and blew it out of proportion in order to turn a quick one liner into a beefy story. Did that occur at least partially because T.O. has been blowing Werder off for weeks? Hard to argue otherwise.

If all we know was true than it seems Witten was the one most hurt by Werder's actions. He was the one called out by the team not T.O.

Bottom line is no one in a locker room likes a snitch.

This team needs to ban together they all need to tell every single media person to go fly a kite. Hard to misinterpret that comment.

I'm guessing Witten learned what T.O. knew.. best to tell Werder... nothing!!!


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Let's just hope they can use this incident to propel them into the playoffs and on to the Super Bowl.

That's the best way to make this a non-story.

Anything less, and this story will keep surfacing and surfacing until next season.


Cowboy Fan
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Boysboy;2505636 said:
At the same time, is there anyone else who wouldn't mind if we lose to Balt, lose out, and don't make the playoffs?

BS or no, this whole high drama that has been playing out since we lost to the Giants in the playoffs is really starting to wear not only on the team, but on the fans as well.

Maybe it's best if we can go back to the drawing board by New Year's.:eek::

Your true colors are starting to show ..... and people are noticing.


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Boysboy;2505636 said:
At the same time, is there anyone else who wouldn't mind if we lose to Balt, lose out, and don't make the playoffs?

BS or no, this whole high drama that has been playing out since we lost to the Giants in the playoffs is really starting to wear not only on the team, but on the fans as well.

Maybe it's best if we can go back to the drawing board by New Year's.:eek::

Would anyone mind if I beat you senseless with a bat? ;)


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
tyke1doe;2505898 said:
Good column by Watkins.

I think it's ridiculous to suggest Werder fabricated his story. But I've said all along that "jealous" was a very strong word and very subjective at that.

That was probably the source's word, as he interpreted it, or Werder's word to describe the relationship between Romo and Witten compared to the relationship between Romo and T.O.

Furthemore, aside from the extremists on either side (those who believe this is a huge problem vs. those who deny a problem exists at all, no matter how small), is it safe to say this controversy boils down to this ...

- There was a meeting between Garrett and the other wide receivers, regardles who called it.

- The other wide receivers, including T.O., did complain about not getting enough balls thrown their way.

- That this problem/split/controversy shouldn't have been made a major story.

Is that a fair summary?
It was actually written by Clarence Hill of FWST.


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Star4Ever;2506030 said:
Would anyone mind if I beat you senseless with a bat? ;)

"The day nature turned on boysboy."



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bbgun;2506058 said:
"The day nature turned on boysboy."


Ok on that note I am logging off and going home. :laugh2:


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Double Trouble;2505858 said:
Nice try. TO said himself that someone inside the lockerroom fed Ed Werder false information. That's a long ways from "Werder lied".

Peter King said his sources confirmed Werder's story. I guess he's a liar, too.

Yep, King sure is a liar as well until the anonymous sources stop being cowards and go public. The Cowboys, including Witten, are on the public record stating that the Werder story is a lie. I choose to believe Jason Witten over Ed Werder or Peter King, both of whom have a well known bias against the Cowboys.

My opinion could be changed if the sources go public so that they can be scrutinized. Defendents have the right to face their accusors.


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On another note:

Does anyone here seriously believe that if Terrell Owens wanted to be an anonymous source for Werder (or any other reporter for that matter), that the reporter would protect HIS identity?

Get real. The very title of the impending article would be "Owens says blah blah blah."

Journalistic integrity my ***.

Yakuza Rich

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tyke1doe;2505898 said:
Good column by Watkins.

I think it's ridiculous to suggest Werder fabricated his story. But I've said all along that "jealous" was a very strong word and very subjective at that.

That was probably the source's word, as he interpreted it, or Werder's word to describe the relationship between Romo and Witten compared to the relationship between Romo and T.O.

Furthemore, aside from the extremists on either side (those who believe this is a huge problem vs. those who deny a problem exists at all, no matter how small), is it safe to say this controversy boils down to this ...

- There was a meeting between Garrett and the other wide receivers, regardles who called it.

- The other wide receivers, including T.O., did complain about not getting enough balls thrown their way.

- That this problem/split/controversy shouldn't have been made a major story.

Is that a fair summary?

Fact: Mr. Blue Suit has continually gotten stories about Owens and/or the Cowboys wrong. Like Owens' "attempted suicide" back in 2006, Keith Davis supposed to be dead from a shooting, Parcells retiring in 2003...then 2004...then 2005. All of which Mr. Blue Suit had "sources" for and all of which he's gotten wrong.

Fact: Owens has refused to answer Mr. Blue Suit's question for awhile, I'm guessing due to Mr. Blue Suit reporting that Owens was crying after the Bengals game because he didn't get the ball enough, when Owens actually was emotional because earlier in the week a family member of his passed away.

Fact: Nobody else reported this riff between Owens, Romo and Witten, like Jay Glazer or Adam Shefter and oddly enough, nobody has these controversial stories that Mr. Blue Suit reports on the Cowboys and/or Owens on a continual basis (and gets the stories wrong).

Fact: Mr. Blue Suit claims that Bradie James told him he had to play peacemaker between Romo and Owens, when James actually said this (as quoted by Mr. Blue Suit himself)

"Whenever the fire gets blazing, I know,'' James said. "Sometimes, I don't want to step on anybody's toes, but we all talk."

It just is what it is ... It's just two different guys, two different personalities and they know what's at stake. They know that everybody needs them. And there's no dislike. It's just sometimes, not everybody is going to see eye to eye. That's what makes a football team."

Fact: The "source" sure didn't seem like a teammate according to Mr. Blue Suit's report

"Owens thinks Romo and Witten -- close friends and road roommates who came to Dallas in the same offseason -- hold private meetings and create plays without including Owens, according to a source who speaks regularly with Owens' teammates."

So let's add that up:

- We have a reporter who continually gets stories wrong, despite having sources.

- We can possibly see an obvious vendetta between reporter and player.

- Nobody else from the major sports media outlets reports these fabulous stories that Mr. Blue Suit gets.

- Mr. Blue Suit's source sounds like a complete outsider and a weak one at best. Hell, it could be LP Ladoceur's dry cleaning for all we know.

- Mr. Blue Suit LIED about Bradie James saying he was a "peacemaker" to Romo and Owens.

My guess is either the three following things:

1. Mr. Blue Suit's source was a weak one at best (which he knew) and was not telling the truth (which Mr. Blue Suit probably knew) and he ran with the story anyway.


2. Mr. Blue Suit's source was weak and Mr. Blue Suit twisted and embellished upon a lot of what the source said.


3. Mr. Blue Suit made the story up.

Either way, it's pretty apparent the story was wrong and somehow some people think that excuses Mr. Blue Suit. It doesn't. He's a reporter. His job is to report the truth...not get a source and hope it's true.

I could honestly perfectly understand if this was the first time or second time that Mr. Blue Suit got his story wrong, but he's been wrong WAY too much. I can't imagine him being that stupid to not know when a source is lying to him. So it seems AT BEST he's reporting a source's lie when he knows it is a lie (because his sources are almost always wrong). And if that's the case, that makes Mr. Blue Suit a liar to me.


Yakuza Rich

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RoadRunner;2506071 said:
Yep, King sure is a liar as well until the anonymous sources stop being cowards and go public. The Cowboys, including Witten, are on the public record stating that the Werder story is a lie. I choose to believe Jason Witten over Ed Werder or Peter King, both of whom have a well known bias against the Cowboys.

My opinion could be changed if the sources go public so that they can be scrutinized. Defendents have the right to face their accusors.

Owens thinks it's somebody in the locker room doesn't mean that it is true. He's just speculating on that. However, Mr. Blue Suit didn't really report that:

according to a source who speaks regularly with Owens' teammates

That really could be anybody and you can best bet that if it was a teammate, Mr. Blue Suit would say that the source was a "member of the organization."

I don't expect reporters to name their sources. But, I do expect reporters to get their stories straight and get at least 3 sources when reporting a possible rumor (a journalist standard which Mr. Blue Suit failed to do and the rest of the mediots and Mr. Blue Suit apologists completely ignore).

Furthermore, we saw them play against the G-Men and never have a problem with each other on the field AND do an interview together. All of which did not happen with Owens when he was with SF and Philly.



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The only person I hate more than Galloway is Jen F Engel. The angles they use are tiresome and ESPNish, so I guess all ESPN employees are told to be careless and idiot reporters.


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I'm nearly positive that Werder was citing HIMSELF as the source in the first part of the article (pertaining to Witten/Romo holding private meetings).

Think about it:

Werder is a "source who speaks regularly with Owens' teammates" (of course, the conversation is mostly one-sided).

The pieces of the puzzle just fit on this one. I could so see him giving an ESPN executive a sneaky grin when he explains this to him.


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tyke1doe;2505898 said:
Good column by Watkins...I think it's ridiculous to suggest Werder fabricated his story.

Let's get this stright. Ed Werder did NOT fabricate the story, because he based it on a quote. But Ed Werder WAS NEGLIGENT in running his story because, wile he did not fabricate the quote, he also FAILED to do do his due-dilligence and corraborate/confirm it.