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Alright get your beers ready
Roasted rats are more of a south China thing. Saw that in Guangzhou, among other wacky, nasty dishes. Same with eating cats and dogs. In Shanghai they put sugar in everything. I hate Shanghainese food.

Doing a Mexican theme here south of the border (in Colombia) today. Tacos, Quesadillas and stuffed peppers.
Don’t tell me u actually ate it
A local guy here in Louisiana filters his through different things repeatedly after his process. He makes the best Shine you'll ever taste. Real dangerous though. Its 150 proof and absolutely no bite.
We visit the grand kids in Alabama each Christmas. My wife always gets nervous cause our son has plenty of moonshine providers & always pulls out something "special" for our visit. Actually most of it has been purty darn good tasting.
We visit the grand kids in Alabama each Christmas. My wife always gets nervous cause our son has plenty of moonshine providers & always pulls out something "special" for our visit. Actually most of it has been purty darn good tasting.

Yea, it's better then that trash full of additives you but on the market

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