I think
@Nightman and I are the only ones thinking that no one will sit on the throne. After all that has happened, all the struggles for power, all the issues with the single monarch, there will be no single king/queen. Jon may be the heir, but he doesn't want it and don't know if they could decide on a single person to sit upon the throne so it will be ruled as group, a council. I have been advocating calling it the "Iron Council" for quite awhile, melt down the Iron Throne and build a large table from it where all the delegates from each kingdom can sit and make decisions as equals. I could see a scenario that Jon would agree to act as a Chairman to oversee and help arbitrate disagreements, but think that Tyrion would be suited to this role. Each kingdom has it's own king/queen and rule their own kingdom with the "Iron Council" working as group to work out trade agreements, settle disputes, organize the kingdoms in a time of crisis, etc.