Game thoughts


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Last night the team showed some urgency. I think Madden was right though, it didn't show up until the second half. I wish we could come and and play inspired football from the opening kickoff.

The big name plalyaers came up big Ratliff, Newman, Barber but there were some second tier players that really helped Bennett, Austin, Roy Williams, Davis looked great in run support, and I think Vela had it right, Jenkins > Henry.

Some of our stars need to pick it up. We work on getting TO open and put the ball in his hands and he drops it. If that was Crayton we would wanting to bench him. TO needs to stop making exuses and start producing.

If we can keep the sense of urgency going we havea chance to make the playoffs. Maybe even like the Giants did last year and catch fire at the end of the season and go on a run. Let's hope.