If JJ is so reluctant to give up on Garrett, just promote him to GM and get a whole new offensive scheme in here. Maybe make him head of scouting, or make up a new title.
I don't have a problem with Jason handling the talent acquisition, just his offensive philosophy. This team is in disarray going from one extreme to the other. If things continue this season, what is the next plan of attack, copy Philly's style if they continue to rack up stats? Jerry might find the latest fad and run with it only to find out that they can not play that style either.
So far, it appears the change to the 4-3 was a good idea, so far. If this team goes 8-8 again or worse, JJ will be looking to change something again, most likely the offense. I don't think he could even sell Garrett to the public for another season with minimal changes.
He will in no way blame Romo(whether he finishes out good or bad), the only fall guys left are Garrett and Callahan. Getting rid of one and not the other would be a mistake IMO.