George Lucas Blames 'Star Wars' Critics for Killing Series

Revenge of the Sith was decent, but the first two were not impressive at all.

The biggest problem with the new movies is that Lucas became obssessed with CGI. The first three films were great because they did what they did within the very strict constraints of 70s/80s technology. As a result, they looked much more organic and natural and the movie had to be more than just cool special effects. For example, what looks better: Chewbacca or CGI Jar-Jar Binks? Model space battles or CGI ones? EVERYTHING in the new movies was rendered on a computer it seemed and there was far less substance.

Also, Lucas is the worst love scene writer in the history of film-making. The scenes with Anikan and Padme were just painful. It worked with han Solo and Lea in the originals because that was supposed to be awkward, but Anikan and Padme are supposed to be more down to earth and madly in love.
Sam I Am;4386429 said:
The Star Trek? Are you referring to the 2009 series reboot? I thought that movie was great and am pissed off that they aren't already in post production of the sequel to that movie.

It didn't stand up well to repeat viewings. The plot had more than enough holes in it to sink the Bismarck.

It is, however, very watchable if you turn your brain and your knowledge of actual Star Trek off, tho, which is a lot more than I can say for The Phantom Menace.
Sam I Am;4386384 said:
Yeah? What exactly sucked about them besides the fact that they weren't xerox copies of the first three?

Have you seen the Red Letter Media reviews?

I actually think ANH is by far the worst of the original trilogy (Empire is the best), and the one that most resembles the prequels, particularly Episode 1. Not surprising, it's the only one of the original trilogy that Lucas was the writer and director like he was with the prequels.
I thought it was the special affects that made the original so good for the time.
burmafrd;4386485 said:
Gone with The Wind
Citizen Kane
Star Wars
10 Commandments
Ben Hur

My main issue was the guy who played Annikan. There had to be a 100 no name actors that were better than him. The dialogue between he and padme was just creepy.
bbgun;4386366 said:
That's like blaming Jews for the Holocaust.

you mean it wasn't their own fault?

I never had a problem with the Prequels. In any event, that is revisionism from Lucas, he said back in 1999 he wasn't going to make the rest of the movies.
Well, here is a fresh perspective. I watched the original Star Wars movie when it came out in the theaters. I never saw it after that and never saw the next two movies that came out.

My 15 YO daughter has become a big Star Wars fan and she asked for the whole series on BluRay for Christmas. So we just got done watching them from the first one (The first prequel) through the end. All six movies. First time I've ever seen them (except for the original film).

All in all, I thought they were pretty good. I didn't have any preconceived ideas f what they should be or what direction they should take.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind seeing another movie.
ChldsPlay;4387135 said:
Have you seen the Red Letter Media reviews?

I actually think ANH is by far the worst of the original trilogy (Empire is the best), and the one that most resembles the prequels, particularly Episode 1. Not surprising, it's the only one of the original trilogy that Lucas was the writer and director like he was with the prequels.

clearly a very minority view
Duane;4386124 said:

Sci-fi filmmaker hurt by harsh feedback from some fans about the prequels

By David Eckstein

For any fans awaiting future "Star Wars" films from George Lucas, it's going to be a long wait. The creator of the famed series says he's not going to make any more of these movies and that he's essentially retiring. And for that he blames the harsh feedback from certain fans...

Maybe if he listened to people like Spielberg who tried to tell him how terrible some of his ideas were he wouldn't be so butt hurt now.

butthurt = good lol

ShiningStar;4386126 said:
oh noes, no more terrible movies to kill our memories of his first three star wars movies, i wont settle for this, i wont.

100% agreed.

trickblue;4386151 said:


Duane;4386175 said:
I actually liked Episode III: Revenge of the Sith but disliked the first two prequels.

Now, the stories weren't terrible in the 3 prequels but he didnt deliver them to the viewer correctly. Too much handholding and detailed telling of a story we already sorts knew.

I dont know if it ever could have worked.

Now, from what I know there was a total of 9 stories. The middle 3 were first released as A New Hope, Empire... & Return (4,5 &6)

Prequels were 1,2,3

So what is left 7, 8 & 9

As stand alone movies, not even taking into consideration what they do the the star wars universe, All 3 Prequals are horrible.

They are just BAD movies from cinema/film standpoint. Bad storytelling, bad acting, terrible script, and the worse dialogue I have ever seen in a movie with this type of budget(Specially Episode 2 and 3).

They are just really poorly made movies.

As others have mentioned. If you want my exact opinion how why the Star Wars Prequels were bad, watch the Plinkett Review of all 3.
Just wanted to chime in here. I agree plus

Teren_Kanan;4387983 said:
As stand alone movies, Horrible

not even taking into consideration what they do the the star wars universe, All 3 Prequals are horrible. Horrible

They are just BAD movies from cinema/film standpoint. Horrible

Bad storytelling, Story wasnt horrible, because it was about what happened pre 4,5,6 - it was delivery

bad acting, Yes, Samuel Jackson was Horrible. Anakin was bad, but for his role, BAD could have worked.

terrible script, Same as above bad storytelling

and the worse dialogue Yes, Samuel Jackson comes to mind AGAIN lol, Yoda too... Smitt's and Padme

I have ever seen in a movie with this type of budget(Specially Episode 2 and 3).

They are just really poorly made movies.

As others have mentioned. If you want my exact opinion how why the Star Wars Prequels were bad, watch the Plinkett Review of all 3.

Lucas screwed up in this respect...

The bar scene in Star Wars enamored a lot of people because of the make-up/effects. It was actually the worst scene in the movie...

He tried to relive that "magic" with Jar Jar Binks and it was a colossal mistake... I walked out of the movie within 15 minutes of JJB... never cared to see the other ones...

He felt he knew the pulse of his fans... he didn't. Couple the fact that he is an arrogant SOB and you get the prequels...
Some parts and pieces of the prequels I liked, but it all felt so forced and contrived. Like someone said, who the * cares about most of the characters in the prequels?

You remember the fat guy who looked like a sausage in his X-wing fighter suit, but do you remember 2% of the bad guys in the prequels?

I HATED the last one. BIG HUGE sweeping panoramic introductions to every single damn scenes, then BIG HUGE DRAMATIC zoom into the scene's characters to BIG HUGE DRAMATIC dialogue what was done poorly and stiff.

I've found myself changing the channel on the prequels, something I would never do on the first 3.

That last one, jeez, I can't say enough how much I didn't like it. Lucas wanted a homage done to his "masterpieces" and ended up with hot hammered crap. The first one is also dang near unwatchable. Weren't there any focus groups to view it before it was released, or were the focus groups related to Lucas in some capacity.

Funny thing, when the guys who make South Park met George Lucas, he asked them how they liked it. Matt said he hadn't seen it, said he heard it sucked. George got all kinds of pissed off and had some words for the two of them. Trey Parker told him it was a simple thing, if he wanted them to watch it, just make it "unsuck".

I died laughing when I read that about them.
The only one to blame is Lucas himself.

Those movies Sucked T-Rex Nads.

Hayden Christensen even remotely being in a position to actually become Darth Vader...makes me want to puke right now.

It's preposterous.
REDVOLUTION;4387913 said:
butthurt = good lol

100% agreed.


Now, the stories weren't terrible in the 3 prequels but he didnt deliver them to the viewer correctly. Too much handholding and detailed telling of a story we already sorts knew.

I dont know if it ever could have worked.

Now, from what I know there was a total of 9 stories. The middle 3 were first released as A New Hope, Empire... & Return (4,5 &6)

Prequels were 1,2,3

So what is left 7, 8 & 9


its a good bet that 7-9 will never get made; or at least as long as Lucas is around they won't.

Which is a good thing

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