Get off the ship


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No one cares. People react in whatever fashion they deem reasonable. Tough guys on the couch and behind keyboards can sell the good fan spiel someplace else.

Go ahead. Keep a spreadsheet to help track the ship-jumpers. That’ll teach ‘em.

LOL “not built fo this.” Some of this stuff you just can’t make up.

The irony is the guy saying people aren't build for this is throwing a temper tantrum on a message board because he doesn't like to read criticisms of his Cowboys.


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What the hell happened after that Cuse game? The wheels came off that offense.

tbh i think they got ranked for the first time since 2013 and started feeling themselves because they were averaging 70 points a game they forgot that Howard isnt really a good barometer for success when you play ohio state and teams like that down the road


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The irony is the guy saying people aren't build for this is throwing a temper tantrum on a message board because he doesn't like to read criticisms of his Cowboys.

Careful. You’ll be marked and find yourself outside the circle. Then where will you be?


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No time to panic guys, its just one game but it was a very bad loss in terms of tiebreaks. That is what I am focusing on, how does this loss affect the playoff picture. We got a really hard schedule coming up, so we better get right and get right fast.

Now if we lose at home to the Pack next week, then it might be time to start getting worried because we would be 0-2 in tiebreaks against fellow playoff contenders. That means odds of a wildcard are getting low and the only path to the playoffs is winning the division. Also keep in mind, that Philly gets the Jets next week so that is an auto win for them, so lose to the Pack and we are suddenly tied with Philly for div lead and behind the 8 ball in wildcard tiebreaks.

We really need to beat the Pack.


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The Cowboys under Garrett have been like a good trailer but a bad movie. You get all hyped up thinking it looks good but when its said and done it wasn't climatic enough. So for some that oh-oh feeling kicks in cause they've seen it before. A very talented cast being held back by its director. Garrett.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Throw this joker overboard too, he's weak. We don't the dead weighr

"He's weak"? Look in the mirror pal. You're the guy that started this lame thread, in an obvious attempt to try to control the narrative and what people "should think". All while you cover your eyes to what happened.

If you're "too weak" to accept the truth, that's on you. But don't try this crap of pointing the finger at Fans when it was the team that was responsible for this loss.

Fastpitch Dad

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If you're crying over 1 loss that was a dogfight ending with the Saints not scoring a td need to get off the ship, you're not built for this , this ain't for the weak.
I turned the tv off after the game and slept like a baby. I learned long ago after it's just a game and there are much more important things in life.

But people handle things differently and to call people weak for being emotional after a game is just silly.

What if a man with 4 kids who busts his butt 60 hours a week to support his family and the only entertainment he can afford is to watch his beloved Cowboys play.

And he gets really upset after toiling away all week only to watch them lose a close that man weak?

Very poor choice of word.


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While I don't share the panic of some this game did mean a lot to me in the way I feel about our standing in the league. We've been waiting to play a legitimate playoff contending team to see how we measure up after playing 3 of maybe the worst teams in football. Although one loss isn't always that informative it still showed everyone our weaknesses, and put a cap on over enthusiasm.

We can be beat, and it's not going to be easy as I was hoping it would be on the path to the playoffs's. It's only going to get tougher from this point on. This year will be a battle for the division, and conference.


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Here we go with the either crap sunshine and rainbows or find a new team posters. At least the other site had a subforum for the extreme homers.


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What's funny is you think that the Saints not scoring a TD somehow makes the loss look better.

It makes it look worse. If you hold the Saints without a TD in the Superdome and lose the game, your offensive coaches and the players were horrendous.

Your post is the textbook definition of trying to turn a loss into a moral victory.

First team we played with a pulse and got exposed offensively. It's not all roses and rainbows.


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"He's weak"? Look in the mirror pal. You're the guy that started this lame thread, in an obvious attempt to try to control the narrative and what people "should think". All while you cover your eyes to what happened.

If you're "too weak" to accept the truth, that's on you. But don't try this crap of pointing the finger at Fans when it was the team that was responsible for this loss.

Get off weakling, you're dead weight. Go cry on the plank.


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I turned the tv off after the game and slept like a baby. I learned long ago after it's just a game and there are much more important things in life.

But people handle things differently and to call people weak for being emotional after a game is just silly.

What if a man with 4 kids who busts his butt 60 hours a week to support his family and the only entertainment he can afford is to watch his beloved Cowboys play.

And he gets really upset after toiling away all week only to watch them lose a close that man weak?

Very poor choice of word.

Find something else, obviously you're to weak for this


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I just don't understand the expectations of some on this board.

You have to know, cognitively, that nothing will ever be perfect so why expect perfection?


Well-Known Member
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If you're crying over 1 loss that was a dogfight ending with the Saints not scoring a td need to get off the ship, you're not built for this , this ain't for the weak.
Uhh ok capn...I'm also not a fool hardy tool, what I saw last night only reinforces what everyone has thought since the opener, we beat NO ONE, and it showed last night. Not that NO should have been a cake walk, but it damn sure shouldn't have been a loss IF this team was ready to dance with the big boys....nope, not jumping ship, but like a lot of us fans, the old raa raa were back has gone silent until this bunch of clowns proves their for real and not a fluke beating up on 2 0-3 teams. NY seems to have found their way with a rookie and multiple injuries across the team... piss poor showing last night, no will and no imagination on the offense. We looked, just like we did under that idiot Linehan, IMHO, if were just going to stick to his crappy play book, then why not just keep him here as OC. And yes, I'm disgusted with this bunch fumbling, can't get open, can't block a 90 year old woman, pay me 100 mil but I'll sit back here and gain 1.5 yds a run, or pay me 100 mil and you won't see me make 1 damn sack or pressure... yeah we payed all the right players now didn't we, bunch of heartless wonders.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Get off weakling, you're dead weight. Go cry on the plank.

Good look, resort to name-calling during your tantrum. Where you clearly show that there's nobody "weaker" than you, and anybody else that can't deal with the earned criticism of this team.

There's no 'ship' that you would be on that I'd want to be on board with.



1st Round Pick
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Some are just venting
Some are actually happy with a loss as it gives them, in their mind, an excuse to act a fool with a bunch of idiotic trolling
Some. should be on medication and I don't say that as a joke or to belittle.
Some are just old farts who are cranky and irritable because thay have not had a good BM for days.
Some are casual or simple minded, as far as football goes, and think all losses or wins are because of one person whether that is a player or coach.
Some just get their kicks trolling.

AS you age do you have to wait days for a BM?

Oh dear... :eek: