Getting a dog

On the local news there was a disabled guy that lost his service dog named "Troy Aikman", not just Troy and not just Aikman but Troy Aikman. It was sad though and I never saw if he got Troy Aikman back they thought he was stolen.

Romo could be a good dog name, and easy to say.
Call him eightandeight. Tell everyone it is Inuit for Dallas Cowboys.

Make sure you have time and place to run the hell out of that Husky. They generally have a lot of energy that needs burning off.
Name him Jerry. That way, he'd pay for himself, including vet and food bills, and hiring his own trainer.

Although, after the first year, the training would go to hell in a and basket, and he'd start poopin' on the floor and biting small children.
Name him Jerry. That way, he'd pay for himself, including vet and food bills, and hiring his own trainer.

Although, after the first year, the training would go to hell in a and basket, and he'd start poopin' on the floor and biting small children.

But he would still think he was a great dog !
Former neighbors had a dog named Stanley - they were Stars season ticket holders. :D

I'm lean towards a linebacker name or anyone ferocious.

Me: I'd name the dog Worf after the HONORABLE WATCHDOG of ST: The Next Generation.
Hey all,

I'm getting a dog. Most likely will be a purebred Siberian Husky. I've been thinking of names, I know that I want it to be Cowboys-motivated. I've been thinking Aikman. Thoughts? Suggestions?

How about Miles? Or Austin?
I have my son's dog a lot. Her name is Zoe. A short name is best although two syllables is ok. I had a dog once I named Idot which he was. I like girl dogs now as when spayed they aren't trying to get out of the house or aggressive.

She's a Boxer and they are terrific and my first view of the breed.

I don't want one myself as I may not outlive it or it may not outlive me which are both bad. If I were to get a dog then I'd get one who didn't shed. A GoldenDoodle, standard poodle, LabraDoodle or the like are great. Get good genes. Boxers and some breeds have shorter lifespans and some breeds also have too many genetic problems.

You should also consider adopting a working dog as they are well trained and have great temperments. I'm talking about a service dog here not a cattle dog.

You can also rescue an unwanted dog. Find one you like who appears interested in you and appears to have a good temperament. You cannot change a dog's temperament only work with it. Also a mutt is a hybrid which generally have hybrid vigor and less genetic problems than some breeds. Ask the kennel workers who thy like.

Finally, if you get a purebred dog then buy from a kennel that actually really has a great rep and can furnish you with an animal that is more likely than not to not have some genetic disorders. You probably don't need a potential champion but you can get a very good dog. Also, look for longer lived breeds and stay away from high energy, high demand, and potentially aggressive dogs. There are some breeds that bite more. I'd stay away from true working dogs like Malamutes, Huskies, cattle/sheep dogs yada. They need to work. Some breeds must be exercised vigilantly daily or they are a big problem. A Chesapeake Bay Retriever is a great looking dog but too much energy and has to be worked.

Good genes, good breeds, good temperament and house, people, other dogs, and esp children friendly.
Before even opening this thread, I was gonna tell you to get a husky. I was in Seattle the past 11 days and I saw them all over. Awesome dogs. Saw a few mixes too. A little too small for my tastes. I live in Miami and have a pitbull. They're actually illegal. He's sick and I'll be moving soon, so I'm thinking about my next dog.
I am a huge dog lover.

I have 4 boxers and a boston terrier. Instead of a BEWARE OF DOG sign, my brother got me this one that says PROTECTED BY BOXER SECURITY FORCE MONITORED 24 HOURS. Love it, and so far I havent had another break in yet.

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