God I hope not. Last thing I want is for Dragon Age to be more like Skyrim, and less like Dragon Age: Origins. Origins is one of the best Modern day RPG's imo, and as a game, was very little like Skyrim.
As for Shadows of Mordor, it's way too easy and mindless. Decent for about an hour, but then I start to feel like I'm just in some fish bowl of orcs that I can slaughter 1 vs 300000000 until I get bored. Storyline is very lacking so there is nothing to really keep me going. I find myself intentionally dying to certain captains just so I can create some form of neat Rival orc, as it is simply impossible to lose legit if you've Mastered the Arkham combat system. Batman would be the same way, but it has a much stronger storyline, with familiar charactesr, and a lot more to do inbetween slaughtering hordes of enemies. The combat animations aren't really on the same level of the Arkham games either. Lotta blatant clipping and just randomness in all the animations, doesn't look nearly as fluid.
Ah well, I'm a negative nancy who hates modern day gaming pretty much. Hard to please.
I'll buy inquisition anyhow, and feel sad once I start doing mindless Sandbox garbage quests like "collect 10 herbs" bleh bleh sort of stuff, as I hear the game is chuck full of Skyrim-esque filler quests like that, with no bearing on the story or characters.
Oh well, could be wrong, maybe it'll be more like DA: Origins than I think. That game had one of the strongest stories and character development I've seen in an rpg, where as Skyrim had about 0 character development.. or characters.. or world progression.. or reaction to achievements your character has done... Ah well.