Giants at Packers Game Thread

I'm officially worried about next week. Not scared...worried. Great QB play has a way of canceling out multiple weaknesses on a team and Aaron Rodgers is on a different planet right now.

Need to plan on scoring 35+ next week.
I think we'll be alright. They are very injured, we are very healthy, not to mention how hungry we are. Rodgers is scary no doubt, but the rest of his cast isn't as great as it has been.
Giants just aren't a very good team. They got over hyped because the tight game against Dallas. People kept saying Giants were going to win and play Dallas.

I'm not scared of GB at all. We will move the ball at will and they will have a hard time scoring. Rodgers still has nightmares of Irving on him.

I wanted Giants so we can beat them and not listen to their fans say Dallas couldn't beat them. That said I'm so glad they lose again and brings Eli to 4 times he went to the playoffs and loss haha
Carving up that D. Maybe they need to spend half a billion next offseason
If one player right now is feeling emotional it's Dez and that could be a bad thing since he seems to be a better player when his head is clear.

He's going to come into this game to make a statement after the last playoff game. I know the "non-catch" was 2 years ago but right now, if you're not a cowboys fan, that play is the most visible single play of his career.
We're going to score 35+ points next week. The Giants didn't exploit these terrible MLB's and terrible CB's. We won't do that.

Had that all ready I see. LOL!!! To you, sir.
I'm officially worried about next week. Not scared...worried. Great QB play has a way of canceling out multiple weaknesses on a team and Aaron Rodgers is on a different planet right now.

Need to plan on scoring 35+ next week.
Just gotta run the ball down there throats
I'm officially worried about next week. Not scared...worried. Great QB play has a way of canceling out multiple weaknesses on a team and Aaron Rodgers is on a different planet right now.

We were always going to have to beat good teams. It's the playoffs. Fortunately, we have a good team too.
I need to find the poster who said Rodgers isn't good anymore.

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