Giants at Packers Game Thread

Get ready for a week of Green Bay love. And maybe deservedly so. But I don't think we'll play the same as the Giants. They were done in the 3rd quarter.
Dallas doesnt have a bad OL. NY does. GB is overrated

win streak
seahawks with a crippled wilson

none of those teams are close to dallas in how complete of a team they are. Media harped all yr about dallas' early schedule and how easy it was. But theyre praising GB for their wins against a easy schedule to end the yr. The difference is Dallas went 4-1 against the toughest part of their schedule in a time when the nfce was still up for grabs. While GB went 1-3 against the toughest part of their schedule at the start of the season against teams that matter.
I hope our place is really rockin next Sunday. I know it will and we will need it.

I also hope folks don't sell their seats to cheesehead fans.
I think we'll be alright. They are very injured, we are very healthy, not to mention how hungry we are. Rodgers is scary no doubt, but the rest of his cast isn't as great as it has been.

They'll be healthy by next week. It's our way. I bet they all play.
I'm not even that impressed with GB. They got a fluke Hail Mary and were gifted another 7 points after Montgonery CLEARLY fumbled. I see this game 17-13 right now. And the Giants left a ton of points on the field.
My reverse psychology worked again. Hahaha. I can't stand the arrogant Giants! :starspin:
We will not beat the Packers.
He wasn't..... for like 10-12 games ranging from the end of 2015 to the middle of 2016.

Whatever it was, he figured it out.

He picked a fine time to figure it out with us up next week.

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