****Giants Skins game thread?****Merged

That was pathetic watching Jason Taylor getting out ran by Eli, then Fletcher getting his jock strap token by Eli for the TD.

The skins defense either needs to step up, or just forfeit. Because there just embarrassing themselves right now

and then just like that.

One snap and Cambell is sacked.
Man, the Giants make it look easy finding pressure DE's. They've always got another one in the wings.
lololol! This is great! Sack, false start, 3 and 20! hahaaha.
Only punter drafted. This better be a magical punt.
The Skins only kept that punter because they drafted him. Frost looked good in Pre Season.
Man the skins are lookin like a last place team right now

ST sucks, def sucks, off sucks, coaching sucks, this is just sad
I loved that sideline conversation scene between head coach and his quarterback. Zorn's getting a bit frustrated already. It must be the quarterback in him boiling up to the surface.