Giants-Vikings Thread

I like Sam Bradford on the Vikings. Looks like he might steal Teddy B's spot
My god how much more do we have to hear about injuries??

News flash, every team is dealing with injuries. Some way more than others (hint hint)
Isnt that the truth we got no mercy missing all our 1tier players welcome to adversity deal with it
All these idiots can do is talk about the Giants injuries and down 2 RBs. And how decimated their secondary is.
Well big freaking boo hoo....screw NY.....

Manny without AP and others....look how many guys we are down....screw NY....
Bradford better be good, I heard Bridgewater was gonna need two seasons to recover.
They might need to ice up the punter by half time... lol

Maybe skinsscalper will help him out.... NOT!!!!!!

So, I didn't realize my daughter was coming over for dinner. When I found out I called her:

Me: You get free food, I get free ice. Step on it, I'm thirsty.
Her: Dad, you're such a jack ***.
Me: I know but I'm your jack ***. And, seriously, hurry the **** up.

I'm now sitting with my first cocktail of the night and the steaks will be up in about 5 minutes. Life is good.

200 million Defense. :lmao: Giant fans in their game thread are already turning against VERNON. :lmao2:

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