Lol. Cleaver.
Lol! Cleaver, Silver!Cleaver? Ward, June, Theodore or meat?
Spot on! Sometimes I get that "let's see if he can do it again" feeling with certain players, but something is different about this guy. His poise, demeanor, work ethic and confidence blew me away his rookie season and I think they will only continue to grow.I am so incredibly excited for this season. Giddy-excited. I am certain he will put to rest the remaining doubters (mostly in the media, but even the few in Cowboys Nation). Everything is right about this kid, everything points at a franchise, elite, driven, prepared QB.
Year two he will shine -- again -- and then all will bow before him.
For we will all be Dakistani's.
good timing...missed it on the avi for some reason...I had seen "Dakfreakins" in another context but I prefer yours!Thanks, Robbie
I have it under my avatar, too. (Have for about two months now. Was waiting for a time to use it. )
Money Money-- Good song by Billy Idol