You can take your thumb out of my *** any time now, Carmine.
"Are you not entertained???"
Not many fans of THAT movie. It is one of my cult favorites. I thought for sure it would inspire a series of movies.
You get
I remember when Was it over when the Germans bombed Peral Harbor quote caused a major melt down in the main forums
I'm curious who or how many know this one?
"I'll make it"
What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?
I wish it were winter so we could freeze it into ice blocks and skate on it and melt it in the spring time and drink it!
burning water... find the lake, throw it in...
Toranaga: "There are no ‘mitigating circumstances’ when it comes to rebellion against a sovereign lord!"
Blackthorne: "Unless you win."
Toranaga looked at him intently. Then laughed uproariously. "Yes, Mister Foreigner…you have named _the one _mitigating factor."
It's funny how the fear of offending is greater than the fear of pain. You knew something was wrong. You knew you would end up strung up in the basement. Yet you came back. And all I had to do was...offer you a drink.