Glenn will shred Chargers - AGAIN

I've also heard him referred to as 'Terina'. As long as he makes tough catches like he did against Washington on that trick play, I could care less what his gender let alone his name is! We need TG healthy and lighting a fire under the rest of the WR corps. Keyshawn is an intermediate guy and does not thrive in the deep receiving role. Price needs the help of at least one other guy.

It could go to extremes, where DB starts to only looks deep for TG and Price, but Key and Witten will force him to look intermediate. The most important thing is to have viable threats at all points of the field, so TG must stay healthy and A-Train and Julius must emerge as good short options.
Nors said:
I saw Glenn in 2003, Bellicheck essentially did the same. Was not going to let Glenn loose. We could not run the ball and Carter threw what 4 picks? 2 to Law and it worked. Missing Galloway that night was a deal breaker for us to win.

I was at that game in NE. Our offensive line just stunk. We could neither run or pass on NE. I think the 1st int. was from a juggled ball the Law caught on his knees (I think it was a mugging, but the refs seemed to allow NE to do that in 2003, which was the year the Colts recievers were mugged (AFC AFC champ game) so bad the NFL changed the PI rules).

The last int was a desperation throw into the endzone with 30 seconds left in the game.

Having said all that, I like the fact the we have multiple threats recieving this year, so San Deigo cannot concentrate on just shutting down Glenn.
Yes - they will be keying in on JJ and Witten.

Glenn may fly under radar and not get doubled. He will then pick Chargers secondary apart. I feel confident in that.

That Pats got lucky in that game. Hit a long pass and a PI on a desparate heave. Was it 12-3 final? The first inter was on an out to Witten who boobled it right to Law. Killed a nice drive. That 4-1 to Tham was dead before we snapped. Had QC done a naked bootleg it looked to me he could have walked in for a TD.
Trophy#6 said:
Yea, he's one hell of an asset...when he's healthy and on the field. Too bad though when you focus your efforts around a guy of this sort of nature, you fall eventually with him. Game 1, 2, 3, 4, and usually the rest of the first half of the season, he's great...but then the repeating course of history strikes just about every team foolish enough to stand by this guy and he goes down for the rest of the season. We've seen our offense falter 2 straight years in a row since he's been here as he goes down, are we really ready to hold our hopes on him for a 3rd?

Fool me once- shame on you.
Fool me twice- shame on me.
Fool me THREE TIMES- hahahaha, do we really even want to go there?

We are on #3, people.

I wouldn't be all too suprised if this was the direction Morgon's "agenda" quotes were heading towards instead of Crayton. Many thought Bryant should have held onto his starting postition when Glenn got here- almost seemed like an agenda was inplace to get Bills favorite beauty contest winner out onto the field. Then last year was what it was, AB on the way out and us struggling to field two simple wideouts once Glenn went down for the season (again). This year the up and coming Patrick Crayton battling Quincy Morgon for the #3 spot.......or was the talent level dictating a battle for the #2 spot only Bill's leashed puppy was too busy licking butts at #2 already- hence the "agenda" quote slinging where it really seem unjustifiable to the average spectator watching on from afar.

But bottom line, blinders will not mask the reality of Glenns injury-prone nature even as much as some of you so want it too. Odds are in favor of him going down again. And I'll be patiently waiting to see who are REAL #2 wideout really is once the imposter is benched due to injury again.

So what, he had a good game against SD. I'd rather him have 16+ average games per season at #3 then his limited 5-8 ball-busting ones in the starting lineup.

Quincy is that you?? The talent level does not mean a thing, its the perfomace level that does. Glenn makes the clutch catch, and was a big part of the passing game last year and will be again.

As for Crayton he outplayed, and more importantly outcaught Morgan since he stepped on teh field. I cant even remember a clutch catch by Morgan, as where Crayton and Glenn make them on a regular basis. That is why Morgan was dumped, well that and his hands are made of stone 99% of the time.

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