Good grief. Win 2 games in Sept....the fans in here start making SuperBowl plans. Lose 1 and it's "fire this guy or that guy"
You know why Andy Reid's teams are always good, even b4 Mahomes? He never overreact. He is like the captain of one of those giant ships....where you don't go yanking the wheel this way or that way and spazzing out from one mo.ent to the next, good or make small adjustments and keep it steady from 1 obstacle to the next.
Calm heads...patience... evaluate things over time, not forming absolute opinions from 1 week to the next.
There's 32 teams trying to win the SuperBowl. With luck, injuries, and just the sheer number of teams factored in, the BEST team maybe has a 20% (1 in 5) chance of winning it in any given year. We don't have a like SF or Philly maybe we had a 1 in 8 chance of winning a SB when you woke up this morning. That still holds true now. Freaking relax. This is the most manic depressive fan base ever. 17 games.