Going to the game on the 14th in Philly

I've been offered tickets many times. No thanks.

They will ruin the experience

I don't know about that... its actually kind of fun... (especially if you aren't a loud talking, bragging fan)....
when they start losing, which they will.... the comments are hilarious.....
I live outside of Philly (22 years now). Originally from Dallas (first 36 years). Been to about 4 Cowboys/Eagles games in that time. My observations:

o Veteran's Stadium was much worse than the Linc
o Watch your six going and coming to and from the stadium
o 200 section and lower - people are pretty cool (high priced tickets and most folks from the burbs)
o Don't incite, don't be overly demonstrative - especially if the Cowboys are winning or win
o Expect to get wet and yelled at, but don't respond
o Stay in your seat during the entire game
o If possible, don't wear anything Cowboys

Actually, believe it or not, most Eagle fans are pretty good folks. Particularly folks from the suburbs. It's those South Philly low life's that grew up in Rocky's backyard ya have to look out for....

This is good advice. I live near the area and may get tickets myself. I was at the 2009 and 2011 games at the Linc. Do not wear Cowboy gear.
Philly fans are badasses, nobody can handle them, I think every UFC fighter, Navy SEAL, Green Berets etc...are all from Philly right? I know Chris Kyle, Tim Kennedy, Ronda Rousey, Vladimir Putin, Marcus Lutrell are all from Philly. Oh and Rocky. Seriously they're a bunch of insecure DB's
So, I came across a deal on tickets to go to the game in Philly on the 14th. Now, I will be making this trek from Toronto, I have heard mixed reviews of Lincoln Financial. Im wondering, if anyone on this board has gone there, and has any advice to keep me from getting myself, hospitalized lol

Stay home
So, I came across a deal on tickets to go to the game in Philly on the 14th. Now, I will be making this trek from Toronto, I have heard mixed reviews of Lincoln Financial. Im wondering, if anyone on this board has gone there, and has any advice to keep me from getting myself, hospitalized lol

You'll have fun, especially if you go a day or two before the game and take in some local beers and cheesesteaks with your friends. I've been to a lot of Dallas - Philly games at the Vet and a couple at the Linc. In my younger years, I'd go wearing my Cowboys gear and it was usually a given I'd have food and/or beer thrown at me so I just expected it. I was never an *** but that won't matter much went you're dealing with one or two bad drunks but back then folks had some limits if they weren't provoked, plus I was in shape (back then) and folks knew where the limit was.

As I got older and started going with my son, I left the gear at home and just went incognito because I just didn't need the trouble. I'm also a couple of years away from retirement and just don't want to get into a situation where the police need to get involved; most normal folks have too much to lose if they smack some smart nosed punk. I think fans are much worse at the Linc but I think it's more a reflection of society and young people who have very little respect and very little limits. I can handle having some food thrown my way but I can't handle someone spitting on me. That's my line and I've seen a lot of that at the Linc the last few games I've been to. Real cowardly stuff.

Bottom line is you want to avoid trouble, just go enjoy the game without the gear. Most fans are decent but you'll inevitably run into a few drunks so just avoid anything that will draw attention.
The Linc is actually fairly tame. All the horror stories you hear about Philly fans are from the old Vet. The crazy atmosphere didn't carry over to the new place. All the old drunks got priced out.

It's a decent stadium but nothing special. Although the bar attached called Xfinity Live is pretty great if you're willing to spend some cash.

Overall I would say you will be perfectly fine wearing a cowboys jersey as long as you are willing to listen to the trash talk. If you're not the type of person that can deal with it I'd say don't risk it and don't wear the cowboys stuff.

And if you're not driving take the train. It will make your life alot easier.
Worst...worst fan story ever comes out of Philly. Just Google "Phillies fan vomits on cop and family."

After reading this thread is it really worth it? Maybe I'm just a little older now and forget what it was like to take some chances. I was at the Buffalo Monday night game and a cop asked us politely to take our gear off on the way back to the car and we did - it was scary, those people were pissed.

Hey if your'e from Canada consider a Giants game sometime, not half as bad and a LOT Cowboy fans. In any case good luck and if you do go you have to post about your experience.

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