Goodbye Cruel World

Juke99 said:
Ya know the story about that one?

Lennon liked the first half of one version...and the second half of the he sez to George Martin..."You figure it out"...

The pitch was slightly different in both George Martin played with the tape speed...and gave it that kinda odd, other worldly sound...

Interesting thing...they NEVER messed with McCartney's stuff...or very rarely...but Lennon's was always open for experimentation, which is what gives his stuff some of it's lasting charm.

I've always been taken by the way both guys wrote and recorded about their childhood memories, "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields"...and how different their approaches are.

Yes I remember you talking about that.

I always thought it was way ahead of it's time as far as the sound and production.
CowboysPrincess said:
And for you... Philadelphia Freedom.... :p

No his is Don't fear the Reaper -'s all about the cowbell baby. :D
CowboysPrincess said:
Oh really.... do you not know the story behind that song.,...

Yeah... and believe me.... I don't take on beards...
BrAinPaiNt said:
No his is Don't fear the Reaper -'s all about the cowbell baby. :D

I have that on my BOC greatest hits cd... great stuff...
BrAinPaiNt said:
Yes I remember you talking about that.

I always thought it was way ahead of it's time as far as the sound and production.

Are you insinuating that I repeat myself?

Great production....backwards high stuff

Are you insinuating that I repeat myself?
CowboysPrincess said:
Oh really.... do you not know the story behind that song.,...

I think it was a Rupaul song... :eek:
trickblue said:
I have that on my BOC greatest hits cd... great stuff...

I like some of the guitar licks in the song...but I think I always liked Godzilla better....just a fun song.
Juke99 said:
Ya know the story about that one?

Lennon liked the first half of one version...and the second half of the he sez to George Martin..."You figure it out"...........

Grandpaaaa... tell us about you and 'ol Abe Lincoln doing your cipherin' on shovels under the fireplace light again, will ya!!??
DallasCowpoke said:
Grandpaaaa... tell us about you and 'ol Abe Lincoln doing your cipherin' on shovels under the fireplace light again, will ya!!??

Have him tell you about his days in the big one....


Yeagermeister said:
It would be nice if we could get some of those here....hint hint :D

I'm working on it... geez...

I have saved 3 children from burning buildings this week... rescued a mother of 4 from drowning... repaired 3 cars of needy families... bought groceries for 6 families... and put out the fires of 24 deprived women...

I only have so much time...
trickblue said:
I'm working on it... geez...

I have saved 3 children from burning buildings this week... rescued a mother of 4 from drowning... repaired 3 cars of needy families... bought groceries for 6 families... and put out the fires of 24 deprived women...

I only have so much time...

ummmm... you fibbed
trickblue said:
I'm working on it... geez...

I have saved 3 children from burning buildings this week... rescued a mother of 4 from drowning... repaired 3 cars of needy families... bought groceries for 6 families... and put out the fires of 24 deprived women...

I only have so much time...
Hey, the tv news said there were only two children and one ragged Andy doll! :eek:
In honor of MikeD17 I would ask the mods to rename this thread from "Goodbye Board Im Going To Be Banned Soon " to "Goodbye Cruel World"...

Amen... and RIP...

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