Wait, now you want questions answered? Lol. I already told you that I'm not going to re-hash this debate with you. We debated already and I answered all the questions you had. All of them. Heck, I even acknowledged something you pointed out about the rules. An actual researcher does this. But when I asked you a question to be acknowledged, you avoided it no less than 4 times. We all know why.
So when someone proves that they are a dishonest debater, they are not worth debating with because they are not interested in exchange, they just don't want to be shown they're wrong; even if they're wrong. Even when you "forgot" that you avoided my question multiple times, you asked me to show you at the top of page 3 of this very thread. I did that (
HERE if you need that reference again) and you ignored that entire post to quote one sentence to use to accuse me of avoiding things, again not even acknowledging that you avoided things as you asked me to show you which I did. If Freud were alive, he would be proud of this as a textbook example of projection when not wanting to face something. Too bad he's dead though.