CanadianCowboysFan said:
If the Bible is literal, then how is there a human race when Adam and Eve only had sons?
Having only "read" the Bible for a number of years, I know the difference between just reading it and now really studying it.
When you truly study the Bible for years, with other believers, and share discussion, etc., you find that the Bible is the most incredible book ever.
There is no other book like it.
I have been fortunate to be taught/mentored by two very Godly, Biblically taught, annointed teachers of the Word.
These two have brilliant minds and would excel at whatever they studied and taught, it just happens to be the Bible.
It is always a good witnessing tool to share what the Bible says, and I enjoy that.
I wish I could obsorb all that these teachers have taught when I was present.
Do I understand all that the Bible says, no. I wish I did.
It comes down to Faith. But scripture proves scripture, time and again.
Now to answer your question from what the Bible does tell us.
Since Adam lived several hundred years, having lots of children was not a problem. The Genesis account does not tell us about the order of the births nor does it tell us how old they were. By having many children it is certainly possible that there were many women around. This would mean that Cain married either a sister or a niece or some other relation. Of course at this point, the question of inbreeding is raised. But it is not a problem early on in the human race because the genetic line was so pure. Therefore, the prohibition against incest was not proclaimed until much much later (Lev. 18:6-18).