WV Cowboy said:
It always is amusing to me when somebody sitting at a computer screen, who has never been in an NFL meeting, never ran an NFL practice, never been involved in the NFL at all, alledges to know more than the NFL Head Coach.
And where exactly did I say I knew more than Coach Parcells?
Take a look at every comment I have made in this thread.
Then come back and let me know because I am obviously not seeing it.
What I truly find insulting is fans like you who judge others and imply that being a fan means blindly simpering to everything the team and coaches do.
I stated simply before, Coach Parcells maximized Carter and Testeverde, but I have no desire to see him try again with Bledsoe. History has shown that those were not choices in the best interests of the team. Now he is trying with another player he is familiar. Where exactly does that indicate I "know" more that he does?
Bledsoe is the best option we had this off-season, better than we had last year, better than we have had since Aikman.
Who else would you have brought in ?
Another simple stock answer.
Just because it was the "best option" does not mean it is something I have to like. Quincy Carter was the best option, Vinny Testeverde was the best option. I did not like them either.
Maybe you could show some confidence that Parcells & Jones have a clue.
Or you could continue to sit at your keyboard and point out what Parcells is doing wrong.
Or you could continue to judge what others post.
I think I shall make it a personal point to monitor your posts for overt and blatent homerism so I can read what I wish into it and then suggest that perhaps you find other teams to root for and better yet, buy.
Forgive me if I don't take your negatism seriously.
Forgive me if I do not take your categorization seriously. It shows alot to just sit there and say, "they know better, wait and see". So what I would expect from someone such as yourself, that you not make a terse comment about anything the organization says or does. Otherwise the halo around your head might just disappear.