Great Bledsoe Read - Parcell mention

WV Cowboy said:
For your own well-being, and mental health, ... find another team.

Or even better, buy your own.

Or can I be a mindless member of the flock like you too?
Alexander said:
Or can I be a mindless member of the flock like you too?
What a burden it must be to be smarter than Bill Parcells when it comes to building the Cowboys.

Best wishes to you as you carry that load.
Yes, the article was interesting. It would have been even more interesting if I had read it in October of 2002 when it actually written.
WV Cowboy said:
What a burden it must be to be smarter than Bill Parcells when it comes to building the Cowboys.

Best wishes to you as you carry that load.

The good old tried and true, like it or lump it, "you think you are smarter than Parcells" retort.

How witty and original. You are a sharp one.
Alexander said:
The good old tried and true, like it or lump it, "you think you are smarter than Parcells" retort.

How witty and original. You are a sharp one.
If you have heard that before, .. maybe that should reveal something to you.

Like, .. "Or can I be a mindless member of the flock like you too" is original.

I don't always agree with every single thing coming out of Dallas, but I usually wait to see how things unfold prior to bashing it.

Perhaps those deeply involved know more about the situation than I do.

It always is amusing to me when somebody sitting at a computer screen, who has never been in an NFL meeting, never ran an NFL practice, never been involved in the NFL at all, alleges to know more than the NFL Head Coach.

Bledsoe is the best option we had this off-season, better than we had last year, better than we have had since Aikman.

Who else would you have brought in ?

Maybe you could show some confidence that Parcells & Jones have a clue.

Or you could continue to sit at your keyboard and point out what Parcells is doing wrong.

Forgive me if I don't take your negatism seriously.
WV Cowboy said:
It always is amusing to me when somebody sitting at a computer screen, who has never been in an NFL meeting, never ran an NFL practice, never been involved in the NFL at all, alledges to know more than the NFL Head Coach.

And where exactly did I say I knew more than Coach Parcells?

Take a look at every comment I have made in this thread.

Then come back and let me know because I am obviously not seeing it.

What I truly find insulting is fans like you who judge others and imply that being a fan means blindly simpering to everything the team and coaches do.

I stated simply before, Coach Parcells maximized Carter and Testeverde, but I have no desire to see him try again with Bledsoe. History has shown that those were not choices in the best interests of the team. Now he is trying with another player he is familiar. Where exactly does that indicate I "know" more that he does?

Bledsoe is the best option we had this off-season, better than we had last year, better than we have had since Aikman.

Who else would you have brought in ?

Another simple stock answer.

Just because it was the "best option" does not mean it is something I have to like. Quincy Carter was the best option, Vinny Testeverde was the best option. I did not like them either.

Maybe you could show some confidence that Parcells & Jones have a clue.

Or you could continue to sit at your keyboard and point out what Parcells is doing wrong.

Or you could continue to judge what others post.

I think I shall make it a personal point to monitor your posts for overt and blatent homerism so I can read what I wish into it and then suggest that perhaps you find other teams to root for and better yet, buy.

Forgive me if I don't take your negatism seriously.

Forgive me if I do not take your categorization seriously. It shows alot to just sit there and say, "they know better, wait and see". So what I would expect from someone such as yourself, that you not make a terse comment about anything the organization says or does. Otherwise the halo around your head might just disappear.
You must just like to type, because you typed a lot but didn't say much.

When you say what Parcells did was wrong, that tells me that you would have done something different, and that insinuates that you think you know more than him.

You say Parcells maximized the QB's, .. that's what coaches do.

When you say you don't like QC, VT or DB, my question .. "Who would you have brought in?" is a legitimate question, and not a stock answer.

You accuse me of judging, do you not see that you are judging Parcells and Jones' moves ?

If You want to monitor my posts, you can, if you want to ridicule the decisions the Cowboys make, you can, you can call me a homer if you want to.

It's OK with me.

Have at it.
WV Cowboy said:
You must just like to type, because you typed a lot but didn't say much.

Amusing, because I could sum up your whole contribution in this thread as "don't like it? go root for someone else? You think you know more than the coach?" Goodness, that said alot--of nothing.

When you say what Parcells did was wrong, that tells me that you would have done something different, and that insinuates that you think you know more than him.

No it doesn't. Only to hypersensitive people such as yourself.

When you say you don't like QC, VT or DB, my question .. "Who would you have brought in?" is a legitimate question, and not a stock answer.

It is about as legitimate as saying "because I said so". There were few options. That does not mean you must simply like the ones that were made.

You accuse me of judging, do you not see that you are judging Parcells and Jones' moves ?

Yes. That is what fans do.

This is a message board. A place for opinion.

I do not judge your posts until they are specifically directed towards me, which if I may remind you, you are the one who so glibly suggested I find a new team to root for, just because I did not have the same opinion as you. That, my friend, is truly judgemental and borders on ignorant.
Alexander said:
Amusing, because I could sum up your whole contribution in this thread as "don't like it? go root for someone else? You think you know more than the coach?" Goodness, that said alot--of nothing.

No it doesn't. Only to hypersensitive people such as yourself.

It is about as legitimate as saying "because I said so". There were few options. That does not mean you must simply like the ones that were made.

Yes. That is what fans do.

This is a message board. A place for opinion.

I do not judge your posts until they are specifically directed towards me, which if I may remind you, you are the one who so glibly suggested I find a new team to root for, just because I did not have the same opinion as you. That, my friend, is truly judgemental and borders on ignorant.
I suggested you find another team for your own mental health.
Then you call me hypersensitive, judgemental & ignorant.
You've got anger issues dude, you may want to deal with them before you go postal.

We disagree, .. let it go.
This thread is funny on many levels.

We got a guy posting something. Although many may not care for the article, although the article is old, it is still talking about the coach and the QB that may give some insight. But that seems to be lost because......

This guy is like a flame and some guys are like a moth.

So some of the regular moths come out and start saying things in a negative manner.

Yet when another poster questions them on would seem the suddenly turn on that poster as well.

Posters that may use cliche lines, other posters that critique those cliche lines, with their very own cliche lines.

Posters who claim they never address things unless they are addressed first, yet one of the first to reply in what I see as a sarcastic or negative way.

Yes this thread is funny on so many levels.

Too bad that maybe some of the issues in the article could be talked about, instead of just seeing a name of who posted something, and jumping on the bandwagon.....and then getting upset when someone gets called on the action.

Tsk Tsk
WV Cowboy said:
It always is amusing to me when somebody sitting at a computer screen, who has never been in an NFL meeting, never ran an NFL practice, never been involved in the NFL at all, alleges to know more than the NFL Head Coach.

Bledsoe is the best option we had this off-season, better than we had last year, better than we have had since Aikman.

Who else would you have brought in ?

Maybe you could show some confidence that Parcells & Jones have a clue.

Or you could continue to sit at your keyboard and point out what Parcells is doing wrong.

Forgive me if I don't take your negatism seriously.

I like this part of your post, WV.

BTW, it is good to see you and I hope you're doing well, man.
BrAinPaiNt said:
This thread is funny on many levels.

We got a guy posting something. Although many may not care for the article, although the article is old, it is still talking about the coach and the QB that may give some insight. But that seems to be lost because......

This guy is like a flame and some guys are like a moth.

So some of the regular moths come out and start saying things in a negative manner.

Yet when another poster questions them on would seem the suddenly turn on that poster as well.

Posters that may use cliche lines, other posters that critique those cliche lines, with their very own cliche lines.

Posters who claim they never address things unless they are addressed first, yet one of the first to reply in what I see as a sarcastic or negative way.

Yes this thread is funny on so many levels.

Too bad that maybe some of the issues in the article could be talked about, instead of just seeing a name of who posted something, and jumping on the bandwagon.....and then getting upset when someone gets called on the action.

Tsk Tsk

I agree, Brain. The article was insightful to an extent. But the person who posted it, is as you put it ... "a flame" ... some how though, all the moths are attracted to this flame ... every time he posts.

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